Marriage..? (part 4)

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"Fuck that, you're getting married?! No fucking way!" Tom yells. "Tubbo, you just met this person. You just met them." Wilbur says, a little concerned. "Yeah, who knows what they're really like?" Tommy says, a little more serious. "They could be using you." Will lights a cigarette. "Believe me, Ranboo has more money than I do." Tubbo says, chuckling. Tubbo blushes slightly. "Plus they're pretty nice.." He says. "So you are in love with them!?" Tom yells. "I called it." Wilbur says. "No the fuck you didn't bitch." Tommy says with a frown. Tubbo sighs. "It's not like there's going to be a wedding. This is just for taxes." Tubbo says, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, Tobs." Tommy says.


A few months later, Ranboo and Tubbo are married and are beginning to catch feelings. They constantly joked about kissing and calling each other pet names but they "never" actually felt anything. That's what they told everyone. They both knew that they were feeling something for each other. "I love you." Tubbo teases. "I love you too, bee." They say, laughing. "Bee? You finally labeled me correctly." He teases again, leaning in. They'll joke like that for irony, they'll never actually kiss. "Alright Tubbo, funny joke." Ranboo says, feeling a little flustered. Tubbo leans in more and actually kisses ranboo. Ranboo had cold soft lips. Tubbo had warm lips. "What was that for..?" Ranboo asks, blushing. "I love you Ranboo.. like really love you. I love your presence and I love talking to you..." Tubbo mutters, looking away. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldnt've said anything but... I just wanted to tell you that. I know you hate me." Tubbo starts to tear up. "I love you too." They say, as they start to lean closer into tubbo. "I really do." Ranboo kisses Tubbo gently and smiles. "Ever since I met you I thought you were cute." They chuckle. "I think it could've been because of how short you are compared to me." Ranboo says, laughing. "Fuck off!" Tubbo yells, rolling his eyes. "I love you too." They kiss Tubbo's hand and laugh. "So much for platonic, huh?" Tubbo teases. "what will your brother feel about this?" They ask. "Tommy? Oh he's going to think something about it." Tubbo says, chuckling. "Definitely."


"So we were married for tax reasons but then.."
"You fell in love?"


"So you guys just decided to kiss and then you fell in love?" Tommy asks. "I mean, we've been living with each other for a while now." Ranboo mutters. "I knew it. I fucking called it." Tom says, crossing his arms. Tubbo rolls his eyes. "For once in your life, your actually right." Tubbo remarks. Tommy flips him off. "Fuck you!" Tubbo yells. Tommy scrunches up his face. "You know, that reminds me big man.." Tom starts to whisper. "Are you guys like actually being intimate..?" Tommy whispers quietly so Ranboo can't hear. "Not really.. wait. Why did I say fuck you, and that reminded you of intimacy? What does 'fuck' have anythi-" Tubbo starts. Tommy gives him a look. "OHHH!!! wait you weren't assuming that we uh..." Tubbo starts. "Well I didn't know.." Tommy looks away in embarrassment. "Wha- why did you-?!!?!" Tubbo yells, blushing profusely. "Welp, guess I'll be going then." Tommy starts. "Mm-m. Your not going anywhere." Tubbo states. "Why not?" He asks, clearly annoyed. "I have something real important to tell you!" Tubbo exclaims excitedly. "Oy, what is it? You better not say anything gross." Tommy says, rolling his eyes. "I- well, Ranboo and I have a kid!" Tubbo says. "How?" Tom asks. "Adoption dumbass." Tubbo mutters. "Oh.. Like... how so..?" Tom asks. "We adopted a kid." "Like, a real kid? Human?" He asks, still clearly confused. "Well, no. Micheal is a zombie piglin." Ranboo pipes up. "Really? A zombie pigmen?" Tom asks. "Yeah..?" They mutter. "That's weird as fuck." Tommy says. "It's gay." Tubbo remarks as Ranboo's face flushed. "Yeah, it is." Tom sticks out his tounge. "And gross." He murmers. Ranboo chuckles slightly. "Gay Gay homosexual gay." They laugh. "Welp, if that's it, I best be going." Tom says. "Okay..?"


"Boo..!" Tubbo flushes. Ranboo kisses him deeply. "Ra-" Tubbo starts. After a few moments, Tubbo breaks for air. "Whats on with you right now-!?" He murmers. "I don't know.." They smirk and lean in.

725 words

I don't normally do an A/N at the end of this story, but I just wanted to give a fluff scene bc I'm insane

Tax reasons c!beeduoWhere stories live. Discover now