Chapter 3- Lily

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Soon after that event in the shop, Vin got busy with his work and I found something to read.

On the evening of chilly winter days, the sun was orange almost hiding behind the hills and the sky was turning purple.

Vin and I made our way home. Vin was a chatty person, he was a male replica of Aunt Emma. Blonde shiny, not too much short-not too much long hair, ocean blue eyes, and a sweet smile with a similar face to a Greek god. Total boy next door guy.

I usually skipped dinner, but Vin was okay with it as long as I finish my breakfast and lunch. Aunt Emma wasn't quite satisfied with my actions. I went back to the house bidding my bye to Vin.

When I reached home I found the door of my house was already opened, it was not broken but opened, just opened, and it wasn't something like robbery. Getting a bad vibe from the way it was opened I decided to call Vin over to check. As soon as he came I told him the situation.

"Wait here, I'll go and check. When I signal you, you are good to come inside. Okay?" he said with a soft and concerned voice. I nod at him.

Ten minutes and Vin was still inside the house I got a little scared thinking of what might have happened. I was about to enter when I saw him coming out.

"It's nothing you forgot to close it." Huh? That's not possible, I know Alex was with me I remember locking the door properly. "Let's go to my house for a while, maybe have your dinner." He was hiding something, I know from the way he was tugging his left ear slightly. I was about to ask him what happened I heard a honking the car. We both turned towards the gate to see Alex in his black Aston Martin.

"Any problem?" he asked looking towards Vin, he slightly nodded telling him something was wrong.

"What is it?" Alex said coming out of his car.

"Can you take Lilah with you? The door of her house is broken. I would have let her stay in but we don't have extra room." He was right. Their house was bigger than mine but with only three bedrooms. Uncle Joseph liked his space so they never had any guests for long stays.

"Vin, I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think the lock is broken because you said I forgot to lock it." Frowning I made my way towards the house but Vin stopped me.

"Why don't you ever listen to me! I am saying something reasonable, are you that dumb?" he was sounding annoyed more than I ever saw him.

"What it is Kevin?" Alex was trying to be patient so was I.

"I think it is not safe for her to stay alone with a broken door, that's it." He said avoiding Alex's gaze locking towards the gate behind Alex. As if Alex already knew his brother was lying he narrowed his eyes at Vin. That's when I notice a five years old running out of my house with my dinosaur plushy in his hands, squeezing it with all his might. He had the same features as mine, shoulder-length brown wavy hair, coffee-brown eyes, and a small, cute and chubby version of mine. My heart squeezed at the sight of him.

"Deli!" he said running towards me, his voice dripping with sugar. And I saw the lady I hate most standing in the doorway of the house. I felt the anger building inside me like a volcano on the verge of bursting lava inside them.

"Delilah, let's go to my house, please?" Vin was aware of my hatred for her. He knew how miserable I was when they left me with Oli. I never really knew I will ever get over the fact that they left me because my father's father didn't know his son have a daughter.

I was about to snap at Lily when I felt a warm hand on my wrist, I turned to look at the owner of the hand and saw Alex with his hard gaze shooting draggers towards Lily. "Now's not the time to deal with this, let's get you away from here." With that, he started pulling towards his car and I decided to follow him more like him dragging me with ease. As soon as we got out of the gate I turned back to have a look at the kid standing in the place where I was before with tears streaming down his eyes. Suddenly I was ten nostalgia hitting bad.

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