Chapter 7: Weddings are cursed in Westeros

Start from the beginning

He wanted it to be easy. 

He wanted to love her and leave this rotting court. Fly on dragon-back to Essos or farther if they could. He wanted this feeling to last forever. He wanted to drown in this ancient unexplainable connection that sang the unspoken truth that the vows of marriage would announce to the world. 

He wondered if this feeling was what they based the wedding vows off of. They made sense if that was true. 

He smiled, a true unadulterated smile, as he approached her. His dragon-fire warmed hands cupped her face resting his forehead on hers. Though he wasn't an extraordinarily tall man he still had to lean down quite a ways to connect to her. Quietly, silently, a voice spoke in his mind as he basked in her magical presence. 

Let it be known that Aegon Targaryen and Morgana Slytherin are one heart, one flesh, one soul. 

He tried to ignore it. Try to suppress the longing for those words to be spoken allowed and not through the bond that hummed to life between them. 

"Hello, my heart," Aegon whispered, his thumbs tracing the sharp lines of her face trying to memorize the feeling of her under his fingertips.

He felt it, that ancient unexplainable connection that made two feel like one. Two hearts beating in sync. Every time he touched her, it felt as if she were an extension of himself, as if the were of one flesh. He despised the space separating them at all times and continually sought to eradicate it. Two souls tied into one by a bond neither fully understood. 

One heart, one flesh, one soul.

Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. 

A curse indeed. That's what Viserys called it right? The curse that they love to endure. His purple eyes caught the almost black markings on her skin and it felt like a mocking reminder that soon something would tear them asunder. 

It was truly a curse. The words of marriage seemed to make sense in his head now. Because it was as if he could physically feel the seconds pass by, dragging him closer to his annihilation. 

How had he lived before her, how could he possibly go on living after?

In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. 

That seemed right because even after she was gone she would still be a part of his soul until eternity. Even if he was left behind their bond would remain even if in the form of an empty void. 

I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days. 

He could not think of truer words. Because even though he knows she would soon belong to someone after him, she would still always be his. And though he would belong to Helaena in mere hours, he would always be hers. 

Until the end of his days felt far too short to belong to Morgana Slytherin. 

A tear fell down his face as he pulled her closer, battling his old enemy of the distance between them. His nose caressed hers like the snout of a dragon and a serpent. That fire erupted once more in his soul and he had no idea how he would endure the icy-cold loneliness once it was gone. 

He leaned forward, his chapped lips joining with hers, soft and red as rose petals they were. He felt whole as he joined their lips, kissing her as if this life-sustaining love could never end. Her cold fingers curled into his tamed hair causing it to go wild once more. 

With this kiss, I pledge my love.

The next hour or so passed in a blur. Aegon didn't even remember how he got to stand in front of the crowd of nobles all waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

Aemond stood at his side, whether for support or to intercept him if he tried to run he did not know. Alicent stood near the front, a space free next to her where the king would sit after he walked Helaena down the aisle. 

He recognized a lot of the Lords and Ladies from previous banquets but there was no warmth in their gaze as they leered at him. In fact, only one stare in the entire court full of people felt comforting. 

Purple eyes met steel grey and everything else faded for that moment. Even as the music played and the bride entered on her father's arm, Aegon did not look away. 

Black veins began to crawl up her neck, they stood out as a contrast to her pale ivory skin. He was afraid to look away, knowing that the moment he did she would disappear from his life. 

Helaena stood in front of him, though she held none of his attention. The septon began to speak, but Aegon barely heard a word. He mindlessly repeated what he had to, but his eyes never left hers.

Then came the kiss, he turned his head, glancing at Helaena for the first time. He leaned in placing a light kiss on her lips. Though it felt wrong. 

There was no fire, no bond. The words of the wedding did not make sense to him with Helaena. There was no love pledged with their kiss. 

They turned back and the crowd cheered, but the place she stood was now empty and where the bond hummed was now void. A tear fell down Aegon's face as he tried not to break down sobbing in front of a crowd full of people. 

Those poetic awkward words become silent and that radiant fire is shrouded in darkness. Then in a moment that life-giving love is gone and you are left to face the emptiness alone... No, it is not easy to love Morgana Slytherin, but it is impossible not to.

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A/N: I'm actually really proud of this chapter. Where do you think Morgana will go next?

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