Sweet Sixteen Incertitude

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I was born in a loving family,

My parents and I, we live in unspoken harmony.

My father is my mentor, my mother an unwavering pillar of support-

Then why do I feel so claustrophobic, so alone?

Why, Why, Why?

I am a good student,

The apple of my teachers' eye-

I am an empath,

I am kind, I am not shy.

Then why do I feel so inadequate,

So undeserving of recognition-

Why, Why, Why?

Why can't I relate to my peers?

Why can't I be open with them?

Why don't our interests align?

I am not an atheist, neither am I orthodox,

A firm believer of Science, but not cynical of God-

I am not a rebel, nor an anarchist-

Yet I do not fit in a box.

I wish I could be myself,

( You're very vocal about it already)

I wish I could spread my wings,

(Thank your stars you weren't born in a conservative family)

I wish I didn't have to prove my worth all the time,

(Shut it, everyone has to earn their dime)

I wish I were free,

(Tsk, fifty years ago girls'd get married at sixteen).

How do I make my safe space?

Where I can speak my mind, not afraid of enmity-

Where I can be myself, free of cynicism,

Where I can let my emotions flow, uncaring of indifference,

Where love and kindness rule, and everything makes sense?

(Sweetheart, calm down, you're overreacting!)

- TheAzureOcean


*Picture credits- (@artsby_fz) / Twitter*

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