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"WHAT happened to him?" Jae asks as he was looking at U-Wut, asleep on the couch

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"WHAT happened to him?" Jae asks as he was looking at U-Wut, asleep on the couch. Vincenzo shrugs, pressing the wet warm cloth against his forehead. "His stab wound wasn't that deep. I don't know what made him pass out."

Jae's expression deepens. He didn't know where his best friend was. "It looks like you kidnapped him off him the streets. Still don't get why you are helping this dude." He replies as he plays with one of Vincenzo's picture frames.

Vincenzo didn't know why. But..the boy looked so helpless and nobody wanted to help him, nobody looked like they cared.

"Jae. Shouldn't you be going home? Go." He commands quickly, making the male scoff in offense. "Do you not forgot I don't really have one anymore?" He claps back rudely, walking away as he mutters things.

He stares. "Jae! Come back!" But he didn't. Vincenzo looks back at the U-Wut, a sigh escaping from him. He pinches his nose. "Ow!"

He smirks, putting the cloth down. "Ow!" U-Wut says again to his leg this time. "What's going on?"

U-Wut was freaking out now. Vincenzo's gaze met U-Wut's, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. U-Wut felt a surge of recognition, as if their souls had already connected in some inexplicable way.

"You passed out on the sidewalk with a stab wound." He replies. A sigh escapes the male. "Vincenzo Cassano."

A mix of disbelief and wonder washed over him, with a hint of nervousness. Was this real?

U-Wut's hands trembled slightly as a warm smile was gracing upon Vincenzo's lips. The sound of his voice, smooth and velvety, reached U-Wut's ears, sending shivers down his spine. "Can I get your name? I did just save you life."

The familiarity of that voice, the charm and intelligence it held, confirmed that this was indeed the person from his dreams.

In that moment, U-Wut's emotions swirled into a whirlwind. Awe, fascination, and a touch of vulnerability danced in his eyes. He felt a strange connection to Vincenzo. He sees that stupid smirk again as he moved away from the males ear. "I-It's U-Wut."

His heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, eager to uncover the mysteries that lay within this enigmatic man. "Well, U-Wut. How about I take you home and we will never talk about this again. Or ever see each other again." He explain simply.

U-Wut didn't know what to say back. His brain was still trying to pick up the puzzle pieces. "Umm..."

It was hard. He was told to never expose the location. U-Wut couldn't even get a taxi. "I don't have a home."

𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍, vincenzo cassanoWhere stories live. Discover now