"I have something to propose."

"What is it?" he asked, leaning forward.

"Okay, hear me out. Jack's all worried about you and he doesn't even know about your heart condition. And you know you're not going to be able to hide that from him forever."

JB sat back in his chair, frowning. "I hope you didn't trick me into coming along with you so you could push Jack's agenda. If that realtor starts driving toward some damn assisted living facility, I'll-"

"JB," Caylee said, cutting him off. "Would I do that to you? Seriously? Do you even remember who you are here with? The rebel in the family?"

"Sorry. Go on."

"No more interruptions," she said, just as the server delivered their mimosas. "Thank you." She smiled at the server. "That's just what I need right now."

She held up her glass and reached over the table as JB lifted his, clinking them together.

"What are we toasting?" JB asked.

"We're toasting my plan that we find a two-bedroom condo we both love, and move in together."

JB choked on his first sip.

"So you think you're going to give up your independence, move in with me, and be my babysitter? No, thank you."

Caylee could have kicked herself for her poor approach when she saw the hurt in his eyes.

"JB, no, I mean, yes, partly, wouldn't it be nice to have someone else there in case you fell, or had a problem with your heart and couldn't get to the phone? But that's not the main reason. I swear." She took a deep breath.

"I don't want to live by myself, JB. I'm afraid to."

He set his drink down, looked at her seriously. "What do you mean? You lived alone in New York, didn't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. But something happened."

Then she told him everything about Gregory Van Haverton. The way he kept showing up assigned to whatever table she was at when there were fundraising events. The repeated requests to go out with him, all of which she politely declined. The way he at first implied to mutual acquaintances that they were dating, then outright lied about it. The persistent phone calls. The unwanted gifts. The showing up unannounced at her workplace, at her apartment in New York City. The escalating threats, until she had finally reported him to the police as a stalker. And the complete disregard the authorities had had for her accusations.

Their server brought their food, but they both ignored it while Caylee finished telling JB the story.

"That boy's a menace," JB said, when she finished, and an overwhelming sense of relief came over Caylee. Finally, someone believed her.

"You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that."

"What do you mean? What did you expect me to say?"

"I don't know, maybe what the police, the prosecutor's office, my so-called friends, my own mother said? That I was being overly dramatic, that he was just a little overzealous, that I ought to be flattered. My friends thought it was a joke. They kept telling me not to get so uptight, that Gregory was harmless."

"Honey, I don't think he's harmless. I think he's dangerous."

"I do too."

"This is why you moved here."

"It's a big part of it," she admitted, staring down at her plate.

"Have you heard anything from him since you moved here?"

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