aftermath in the hospital (J.O)

786 8 1

Pt 1))))

The babies first  cries pierced the air loudly

The doctor  said cheerfully

" its a healthy baby girl !"

The doctors cleaned her up gently She still cried wanting to be put down and wanted her mother but, the doctors asked jenna

" would you like to carry her to your wife ?"

She nodded as her eyes welded with tears, she looked so much like jenna but had y/ns hair color and looked way too alike to jenna already.

You just had yours  and Jenna's baby girl, she was small yet so healthy, jenna was in a chair beside you while you were in the hospital bed.

Jenna walked over to you with teh tiniest baby you swear you'd ever seen

" here baby, here she is "

You held her the crying slowly stopped as she curled against your chest

Her crying turned into small cooing noises

" we will give you two some time alone now "

The doctors left

Jenna spoke

" I cant belive she's here, she's so tiny like a mini version of you"

Y/n started to breastfeed the baby, the baby was eating and jenna added

" what are we gonna name her y/n?"

" well remember the name we liked the best for a girl jenna?"

She nodded and they both said at the same time


They giggled and they looked at their new little one

The baby had your eyes too but they didint know it yet since she was a new born.

Jenna rubbed it's head and it tried to stand  on fours with her arms tembling and fell on her mother's chest

The baby sniffles and let's about another cry

"Shh shh, it's okay aubs want your momma ?"

Jenna smiled and as soon as y/n handed the baby to Jenna she cradled her softly snd safe

" we I'll keep you safe "
The baby started to reach its arms up to grab Jenna  and the baby couldn't see yet bur she wanted jenna and jenna kissed her forhead and the baby calmed it's energy down and fell alseep in Jenna's arms

Y/n mentioned

" will people online find out jen?"

Y/n seems worried

Jenna replied in a low voice

" well if we get going soon enough maybe we can skip the paparazzi if no nurse or doctor has spoken a word that im the mother, I know your scrard y/n my love. I am too I don't want the world knowing about our little girl yet.

They both looked at her.

jenna ortega oneshots !Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon