sounded like a party

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Reverend Swanson: abilgail says he's dying, Dutch we'll have to stop some place.

Dutch: okay. Arthur and y/n are out looking, I sent them up ahead.

Hosea: if we don't stop soon, we'll all be dying. This weather, it's may... I'm just hoping the law got as lost as we did.

Dutch: there. *stops the wagon* Arthur! Any luck?

Arthur: we found a place where we can get some shelter. Y/n is there right now clearing it out just in case anybody is there. let Davey rest while he you know.
Old mining town. Abandoned ain't far. Come on.

Dutch: come on!

You cleared everything in the mining town no was to be found you hear the gang coming and told them it was cleared.

Hosea goes into a building and noticed there was a table. Bring him in here!

Everyone walked into the building while Bill and Arthur put Davey on the the table.

Grimshaw: Miss Gaskill...get that fire lit quick. Miss Jones, bring in whatever blankets we have. Mr.Pearson, see what we've got in terms of food

Abigail: Davey's dead. *she announced to everyone*

Swanson: there was...nothing more you could have done. *he said to her while she looked down*

You put two coins over Davey's eyes to respect him

Hosea: what are we gonna do? We're out of supplies. *said to Dutch and you walked over to then with Arthur*

Dutch: well, first of all you're gonna stay here...and get yourself warm. Now, I set John and Micah scouting ahead. Arthur, y/n and I We're gonna ride out see if we can find one of'em.

Y/n: in this?

Dutch: just for a short bit...I don't see what other choice we have.

Dutch: listen...listenall of you for a moment *says to everyone*

Dutch: now we've had...well, a bad couple of days. I loved Davey...Jenny...Sean, Mac they may be okay, we don't know. but we lost some folks now, if I could...throw myself In the ground in their stead...I'd do it...gladly. but we're gonna ride out and find some food. Everybody, we're safe now. There ain't nobody following us through a storm like this one...and by the time they get here...we're gonna be...we're gonna be long gone. We've been through worse than this before. Mr.Pearson...miss Grimshaw I need you to turn this place into a camp. We may be here for a couple day's. Now all of you...all of you...get yourselfs warm, stay strong, stay with me. We ain't done yet Arthur and y/n come on.

Grimshaw: alright, we've got some work to do.

You, Arthur and Dutch leave the building.

Dutch: well, we ain't run in to them yet. So, they both must have headed down the hill.

Arthur: sure. Hey. I ain't had time to ask. What really went down back there on that boat? *said to Dutch and you*

Y/n: it was a goddamn war zone

Dutch: thankfully you weren't there to see it. Come on.

Charles: hey! Need horses? *Charles your friend was leading your horse and two other horses to you three*

Dutch: oh yeah...and Mr.Smith get yourself indoors. Rest that hand.

Charles: I'll live.

Y/n: Charles just get indoors please. We need you strong.

Charles: okay. Thanks. *he says while the three of you started to go down hill on your horse's*

Dutch: alright let's head out.

male reader x red dead 2 (male reader x Sadie Alder)Where stories live. Discover now