"Te Amo, Gatito"

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Ship: SeroShin
Characters: Shinsou & Sero
Caregiver: Sero  Little: Shinsou ( 0-3 )

C/W: Crying Little, Nightmares (mild descriptions)
A/N: This story will be told mainly from Hitoshi's point of view. Also I head cannon they/them pronouns for Sero also that he calls littles pet names in Spanish, pls correct me if any of my words/phrases are wrong.  I'm taking a class in school, but still mess up sometimes. Oh! And I'll be using Ren as a title for Sero its a gender neutral way of saying Mom or Dad.

Word Count: 1311


Dark hands reached for him, wrapping around his neck and squeezing. They were taking away the only thing he had left! He needed to stop them!! He watched in horror as he couldn't pull away, couldn't save the people before him. His fathers, his little sister, his boyfriend, his best friends.

Shinsou sat up with a gasp, eyes widening, his skin was slick with sweat. He shivered, wiping the sleep from his eyes, only to find he had been crying. That's when the nightmare came rushing back into his mind. The tears fell faster. He was scared had  it really only been a dream? What if it hadn't?! Was everyone he loved dead?! He pulled his fluffy violet blanket around his shoulders, slipping his paci into his mouth as he cradled his stuffed cat, Mochi, close. He needed to get to his Ren's room and fast. He had to make sure it was all just a dream.

The little rose on shaky legs, one foot in front of the other he kept reminding himself. He made it to the bedroom door, he took a deep breath in and walked out, everything was blanketed in darkness, he let out a whimper, continuing on down the hall. Soon enough he reached his caregiver's dorm. He tried the knob, it was unlocked, which wasn't uncommon for his Ren.

He turned the knob, pushing the door open as he went. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust but there was his Ren. He felt tears of joy running down his cheeks. He carefully shut the door behind himself and toddled further into the room. Shinsou climbed up onto his Ren's bed, snuggling in beside them.

Sero stirred slightly at the newfound warmth, their eyes opened, looking around confusedly. They then noticed the little curled up to their side.

"Toshi? What's wrong, cielo?" they murmured. The little wrapped his arms around the other, silently sobbing into his Ren's shoulder. Sero gently ran a hand up and down his back, kneading circles into the center of his spine.

"Ha nigh'mare, chu n' ebwy'won ewse were gwon n' I culd'n sabe chus!" Shinsou explains, bursting out into more heart wrenching sobs.

"Oh, mi luna, it's okay, I'm here, and everyone here at Heights Alliance is safe. We're all tucked in bed and sleeping the night away, you don't have to worry, mi amor."

Shinsou nods, his tears slowing. "Pomise?"

A small smiles crosses Sero's face as they lock pinkies with the mentally younger. "I promise."

"Now, how about we get you tucked into bed properly, hm?"

Sero carefully adjusts the little pulling the blankets up over them properly, the other still remaining curled into their side.

"Sweet Dreams, cariño," they murmur.

"Nini-" Shinsou murmurs, his sentence being interrupted by a yawn, "Ren, I wub chus."

"Te Amo, gatito."

The two fell asleep quickly, held in one another's embraces. Shinsou knew he was safe now his Ren would protect him from whatever situations may arise next.

The next morning, Sero peeled their eyes open slowly, squinting against the sunlight that streamed through the semi-open curtains. They glanced around, the night before coming back slowly. A familiar weight still rested on their chest, as they looked down a small smile spread across their features. Their baby was finally getting the rest he needed. Sero gently runs a hand through the little's soft locks as they glance at the clock on the bedside table, it was only going on seven in the morning.

They internally groaned exhaustion pulling at their brain. They carefully maneuvered themselves out from under the little trying their hardest not to wake him as they walked over to the window pulling the curtains more tightly closed. They then returned to bed, the room back to its original darkness, the little snuggling back into their side. Sero let themselves be carried off into the much needed sleep their mind and body needed.

The next time either of them awoke, it was nearly eleven am. Shinsou rubbed sleep from his eyes with small, balled fists, letting out a yawn as he did so. His Ren sensed the movement as their eyes cracked open, shifting the both of them into a sitting position.

"Buenos dias, cariño," they murmured, gently kissing the little's head. Shinsou smiled, babbling quietly. It wasn't unusual for the little to be very bubbly so Sero hoisted himself and the little up and out of bed. "Let's go find some food, hm? I'm sure your starving, gatito."

They chuckled when Shinsou's stomach answered them instead of the boy himself.  They made their way downstairs, the little resting on their hip, cat plush cradled to his chest.

A drone of good mornings met them when they walked out of the elevator, some of their classmates were sitting I'm the common area. Sero gave their own quiet response, walking towards the kitchen to make up food.

"How old are you, cielo?" Sero murmured. Shinsou held up a single finger, the mentally older cooing at him. "Such a tiny boy with me today."

Sero rummaged through the cupboards, deciding on yogurt and a cut up banana, internally cursing themselves for forgetting to bring down some of Shinsou's little gear.

"Do you need any help?" Mina requested, seeming to appear out of nowhere.

Sero started shaking their head before quickly nodding, "Actually could you maybe watch him for just a moment? I forgot to being any of his little gear down with us."

Mina nods, "Of course! Come to Auntie Mimi."

She held out her arms to the little. Shinsou reaching out as well, allowing Mina to take him from Sero.

Sero quickly ran off to his dorm to grab Shinsou's little gear, returning after a moment.

"Thank you for watching him, Mina," Sero spoke.

"It wasn't a problem, babes," Mina chirped, gently booping the little on the nose, the other giggling in response. "I could watch him while you make breakfast if you'd like. In fact, I'm sure the rest of our class would enjoy it too! We don't get as often a chance to look after him these days."

"Oh, um, sure, thank you again," Sero answered, handing her the little's paci before turning to the kitchen, working on mixing up the batter for waffles. He makes sure to multiply the amount to have enough for his classmates that are present.

Meanwhile, in the common area, the students were playing with Shinsou, Denki had brought down a Mario play set and Izuku had contributed some Lego's. Momo had made up a few action figurines to act as bad guys in the story the little was cooking up.


After nearly half an hour, Sero's super size batch of chocolate chunk waffles was done along with bacon, and scrambled eggs. He helped the little eat, and handed him his sippie cup full of chocolate milk as a treat. The little wasn't one to get hyper on sugar even when he was very small.

After breakfast, Sero and the little returned to the common area, continuing their adventure from where they left off. It honestly couldn't have been a better day.

Cielo - Darling                Mi Luna - My Moon
Mi Amor - My Love        Cariño - Dear/Sweetheart
Te Amo, Gatito - I love you, kitten
Buenos Dias - Good morning

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