Part 1

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None of the art is mine!
Thank you to the people who made this artwork.

Miles's POV 

I was running.

As fast as I possibly could. 

Sweat poured down my neck, forehead, and back and my breaths grew more ragged as  I ran. I didn't care, though - I just kept running. No matter how numb my legs felt or how tired I was, I had to keep going...this was life or death. My pulse raced at what felt like 200 miles an hour, and I could hear the pound of his shoes as he chased after me. This only pushed me to keep running.  I could barely see two steps in front of me - and yet I was able to dodge and jump over everything that came my way.

 I couldn't say the same for The Prowler, who was hot on my trail. With his claws outstretched, he chased after me like some predator; he slashed and ripped through every obstacle I threw at him. His movements were swift and precise; yet the unmistakable feeling of bloodlust hung heavy in the air. 
This guy wanted me dead.

My blood pumped with adrenaline as I easily scaled up the fence I had previously struggled to get over, landing on my feet as I began sprinting again. I silently thanked God for giving us adrenaline at times of need - it worked wonders. The rush made my body feel light; as if I could jump over everything and anything if I just did it. I felt almost inhumane as I flipped and swished through the air, avoiding every attack the Prowler threw at me. I fought shy of every slash, every stab, and every grab. I didn't know how, though; I just felt a tingle run down my spine each time he attacked, which was very new. 

The Prowler was starting to get impatient, as his attacks grew sloppier and easier to dodge than before. His eyes narrowed, and the suffocating stench of bloodlust filled my nostrils. As his claws slammed down where my head was, he let out an audible grunt of frustration and slashed again, barely missing my neck; I felt the cool air of the swish grace my nape. I tucked myself into a roll as the Prowler made a jab for my neck again, this time growling in irritation.
"Why won't you stay still so I can kill you?" He snarled, clawing at me again. I jumped back up and ran again. 
"I don't know, man! I like keeping my head on-" Almost as soon as I got the words out of my mouth, he grabbed my neck, and lifted me up, slamming me on the wall. My legs pedaled in the air, desperately trying to kick him, push him - just get him away from me! He had me in a chokehold now, slowly but surely squeezing the air out of my lungs. He extended the claws on his right hand, and the purple lights around his gauntlet lit up as he slowly raised his hand to my head.

12 hours earlier
Gwen's POV

My eyes opened slowly.

The faint beeping of my alarm sounded in my head, making me internally groan. I don't want to wake up - I hate the mornings. In my humble opinion, waking up when the sun has barely risen is far too early. I wish the sun would stay down for 5 more minutes. It peeked through my curtains, casting lazy rays over my duvet. I was far too tired to get out of bed and close the curtains properly. It cast a warm glow in my room, highlighting the teal walls as well as every rock poster, flyer, and picture I owned - which was almost able to distract me from the time.

I rolled over to check the time - 7:15, it read. I stared at it for a few more moments, then my eyes flicked over to the calendar hanging next to my bed. One specific day was circled in red, and it read, First Day of School!!! Damn...Great, I thought, while slamming down on my clock to make it just shut up. 

Today is just NOT my day.

I let the steaming water run over my body for a few moments before getting out and drying myself off. I wiped my feet on the bathroom mat and walked over to the mirror, wiping the steam off of it just enough to see my face. I inspected it for a while - no new blemishes today, which was a good sign. I sighed, then grabbed my skincare products, and went through with my routine before brushing my teeth, oiling myself, and dressing up.

As I tied my tie, I looked in the mirror again and nervously twisted the ends of my strawberry-dyed tips. The side of my head was still shaved - I had actually begun to like my new haircut and had even dyed the tips pink. It looked pretty, but at the same time, I was worried - did it look too punk-rocky for Brooklyn Visions Academy? This was an elite school - full of the smartest minds in Brooklyn - who were also pin-neat, 24-7, all the time. 

But that doesn't really matter.

I stopped gazing at myself and tip-toed down the creaking staircase as quietly as possible; if Dad were here, I wouldn't want to wake him up after he had worked the whole night. Being a captain was no joke - he was almost never home because of it, no matter how much he wanted to.

This is why I wasn't too disappointed when I saw a plate of French toast and orange juice to the side on the kitchen counter next to a note that read, 'Had to run. New lead in a pending case. Made you breakfast, Happy first day of school! :)'

I smirked sadly at my dad's horrible attempt at an emoji and sighed as I sat down to eat my breakfast. Surprisingly, it was still warm, which I did not expect. He must have left right before I woke up...which added insult to injury. Not that I didn't want him to be a policeman or anything - I just wished he could just be my dad sometimes, you know?

I checked my phone and barely stopped to glance at all the missed texts I saw before jumping to the bottom. I was never online; I was only second to Hobie, who made a m o n t h l y appearance. I snickered at the thought as I checked Miles' messages. We last texted two weeks ago, as he had been in Puerto Rico to visit his grandparents and I had visited my aunt who lived in Florida. I smiled at my phone as I scrolled through our texts. 

I got a grasp of time and realized that it was 7:50. I had to get a move on if I wanted to walk to school with Miles. I drained the last drops of orange juice from my glass and washed my dishes before grabbing my bags and walking out of the door.

A/N - Hey everyone!
If you have come back to read the new chapter, thank you!
If you are new, welcome!
I'm open to any criticism (positive, please) and will try my HARDEST to get out as many chapters as I can for the rest of the week. I hope you enjoy my story and will be back tomorrow for more!
Signing off for now though <3


Word Count: 1245

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