restaurant chouchou's newest worker

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Vanitas was always the... um, how should i put it?.. outgoing..? obnoxious...? kind. To be honest, there weren't many words to describe his overflowing personality. An example, you ask? Well, the second he see's you, you would be in a surprise headlock. His daily activities would conceive of working at the restaurant chouchou, annoying Jeanne and accompanying flute the cat.

Now, a typical Monday rolled around, and vanitas was in no hurry to do his work than he normally was. "hiiiiiii domiiiii....." he said lazily, slowly putting on his uniform. "That's Dominique to you" said domi, half annoyed and half given up. She new that not even the sternest lecture from the owner of the restaurant could convince him to embrace his work choice. "By the way, we have a new employee coming today. he is around he same age as you, so hopefully you get along better with him than you do with me" she says, vaguely casting a glance at the grand set of double doors."He should be here any minute now".

Great, vanitas thought. Just another person to lecture him to do his work, or to deliver dishes faster, and he was sick of it. not this time though, he had set his mind to immediately confront the new waiter once they were alone, and to threaten them that if they ever got in his way, they would regret it." Wonderful" he said " I can't wait" he rolled his eyes when domi said "watch your tone young man!"  

With a sudden bang, someone flew through the dark oak doors.

"Oh, here he is!" exclaimed Dominique

A "Complicated" Story   VANOE(vanitas x noe)Where stories live. Discover now