Hanbin affectionately patted Yujin's head, thoroughly amused by his adorable enthusiasm. "Thanks, Yujinnie," he expressed, his laughter intertwining with his words.

Mattwoong entered the room, hand in hand with someone. "Congratulations, hyung! I can't believe you two are finally together! I'm so happy for you guys!" Matthew chirped. Jiwoong chimed in, unable to resist teasing his boyfriend. "Didn't you hate Zhanghao a year ago? You used to stalk them each night and come to me for comfort—"

Matthew's face turned beet red as embarrassment washed over him. "Shut up, Jiwoon hyung!" he retorted, ignoring his boyfriend for the moment. In an attempt to divert the attention, he handed over a personalized album. "This contains most of our precious memories, including the holographs you guys took."

Jiwoong joined in, grinning mischievously. "I also contributed to this. Congratulations," he added.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Zhanghao's voice quivered as he replied, "Thank you all," his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"We love you all," Hanbin expressed, his voice filled with gratitude as he embraced each of his members in turn.

The wedding (speech)

"And at last, may the couple each make a speech?" Matthew smiles, handing the microphone over to Hanbin, who wipes his palms nervously and produces a paper. Standing up, he takes a deep breath and begins his speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, cherished guests, and most importantly, my dear friends and family,

Today is a day of pure joy and love as we gather here to celebrate the union of two remarkable souls, Hao-hyung and myself. This moment fills my heart with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and happiness.

I stand before you today to express my deepest appreciation to each and every one of you who has graced this occasion with your presence. Your support, love, and well wishes have been a source of strength for us. I cannot express how grateful I am for your unwavering belief in our love and for standing by our side as we embark on this beautiful journey together.

Reflecting on our journey, I am reminded of that day when I first laid eyes on Hao-hyung. Our paths crossed in the Boys Planet building, and from that moment, I was captivated by his incredible voice and his undeniable presence.

Hao-hyung, Zhanghao, my love, I want to thank you from the depths of my soul for choosing to walk this path with me. You have been my rock, my inspiration, and my guiding light. Your unwavering support and belief in me have pushed me to become a better version of myself each day. I am forever grateful for your love, kindness, and the laughter we share.

There has never been a person in my life who has understood me so completely, someone who complements me in every way imaginable. You have taught me the true meaning of love and have shown me the beauty of vulnerability and acceptance. I am honoured to call you my eternal half, my soulmate, and my partner in my life.

As we stand here today, surrounded by the love and warmth of our loved ones, I am filled with hope and excitement for our future together. I envision a lifetime of growth, laughter, and shared dreams. Together, I know we can conquer any challenge that comes our way, hand in hand, supporting and uplifting each other along the way.

To our families, thank you for your unconditional love and unwavering support. Your belief in our love and acceptance has meant the world to us. We are truly blessed to have you by our side.

To our friends, thank you for your laughter, for being our pillars of strength, and for the countless memories we have shared together. Your presence in our lives has brought us immeasurable joy, and we cherish each and every one of you.

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