𝘃: the same cloth

Start from the beginning

While Polly had seemed like she wanted last night over with within two hours of the sun setting, Arthur, Olivia and Finn were having the times of their lives. The two younger ones had shoved Arthur into the cupboard under the stairs, and had turned the light off before shutting the door. (He had screamed like a little girl)

And had then started playing tag around the kitchen, which may or may not have caused a vase to fall off of the side table but...

Well, Arthur had had to clean it up while Olivia threw bon bons at him and then forced Finn to eat the ones off the floor.

The end of the night had resulted in Finn feeling violently ill, Arthur's hand cut up from the shards of glass, Olivia falling asleep on the sofa with a smile on her face and the eldest of the three wondering where Olivia Shelby got the nerve from.

Arthur - probably - wouldn't change it from the world, but it did concern him. Maybe he'd just been too drunk to notice it before, but Olivia had a whole company waiting for her when she got older, his littlest sister was probably going to get a bigger cut then him at some point. He didn't like the fact it would happen.

And that wasn't because of jealously. (A little part of it might be) but it was mainly because this was his little sister, who would grow up one day and look back on the childhood she didn't have because Tommy was too busy conditioning her to run the company.

Arthur wished it wouldn't happen, and that by some miracle Tommy would trust him enough to run the company.

But he wasn't that stupid to be wishing for a miracle that size.

Arthur had however been stupid enough to fall asleep on the settee with two children clinging to his arms the night before, so he woke up with chronic pins and needle and no feeling in his left thigh from where Finn's big head had been resting all night.

When he had first woke up to the sun poking through the curtains his first reaction had been shock. Olivia had never looked so peaceful, and Finn had never looked so uncomfortable. The girl was cuddled around Arthur's arm, clutching it tightly and looking as if she'd never let go with the remnants of her smile still on her face. While Finn... his face was smushed against Arthur's thigh, his legs kicked over the back of the settee, occasionally spasming and kicking Arthur's arm, with his arms buried somewhere under his small body.

Arthur had never seen someone sleep in such an uncomfortable position.

Even if it did look particularly rough, Arthur wished he had a camera of some sort just to savor the moment. It wasn't often it was Arthur left with the kids (for many reasons) but whenever he did get the opportunity, he snatched it up. Because he never knew how many more opportunities like this he'd get and he'd already missed out on four years with his little siblings.

He didn't want to miss anymore.

Olivia woke with a groan, snuggling her head further into Arthur's arm.

The older brother fought to wince.

"What time is it?"

Arthur thought she was bloomin' mad for asking him. His watch had been broken ever since he'd gotten back, he'd have to fix that before Tommy noticed.

Arthur shrugged, her head falling from his arm, "Dunno."

"Don't move." She groaned, and forced her head to go back to its rightful place; resting on Arthur's arm.

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