𝗶𝘃: someone close to you

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chapter four / season one episode one

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chapter four / season one episode one.

OLIVIA WAS BEING WELL BEHAVED, IN POLLY'S EYES AT LEAST. The youngest Shelby girl had been making it home on time every night since throwing a few punches, avoiding Thomas like the plague, annoying John and not her aunt, and making sure all the little jobs were done around the house so that her aunt didn't have to do it all.

Regrettably, Olivia had taken on the job of trying to teach Finn to read. At the end of each session they did together they both felt like banging their heads against a wall, they were making little progress but Olivia counted any progress as a success at this rate.

John, however, would completely disagree with his aunt and claim that his little sister had turned into a bigger nuisance than she was before. On the first day of her extended grounding, John expected the Shelby girl to be just a tad bit more annoying but no! The girl had only amplified her annoyance and spent the whole day aggravating John.

And then Olivia had the nerve to ask if she could come to the fair with him and the other boys. Obviously, John had said yes because it couldn't be a trip to the fair without Olivia but once Thomas caught wind of it, he shut it down immediately; stating that Olivia was grounded and there should be no exceptions.

He was such a buzzkill, so much so that John and Olivia had spent all last night playing cards and slagging Thomas off - referring to him by his full name the whole night just to show how pissed off they were.

With Olivia on her best behavior and unable to go to the fair she found herself sat at the kitchen table, with a cup of tea in-front of her. She wasn't going to the fair but she was getting Polly to read her tea leaves, which was just as fun for the girl. (Granted she wouldn't be winning a stupid teddy bear but she'd be finding out about her future)

Olivia also got to spend the majority of the day with her aunt, which in her eyes was a victory. Ada was also meant to be joining them but she seemed to be missing. Olivia knew exactly where her sister had gone off to.

But, she'd keep that to herself. (Unless Ada seemed to be in real danger and then Olivia would spill the truth to keep her sister safe)

Olivia drank the tea in rapid speed and Polly had to refrain from rolling her eyes.

"I've told you before, drink it like a lady, Olivia."

The girl scoffed, "Lady and Olivia Shelby aren't two words that mix well, Pol. You know that."

It was true; Olivia was far from the standard of women in her city and she didn't care one bit for it. She liked to get dirty, a bit of mud under her nails never killed anyone, her hair was never really too long as it got in the way. There were many things Olivia did that the residents of Birmingham liked to stick their nose up to but she always reminded herself that she was having fun while they probably sat in the dark in their house and cried themselves to sleep with their miserable life.

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