The Chosen

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At the winton Academy a school of weird things,where rumours have been said about the cursed book. People claim to know something about the book which was passed from generations to generations. So many were curious to find out so much about this book, everyday students from this school risk their lives to find this book not knowing the book chooses the weak to overcome their powers. Few years later much people began to loose faith the book even exist,eventually more than half of the students at winton forgot about this mysterious book.

A day at winton Academy this book spotted 4 students whos great great great grandmother and father where victims of this book. Since the history of this book no one was able to survive. The book was often consistent in choosing whoever it felt
was weak, which was very concerning.
I am a student at winton most known for being smart in mental reasoning
than my academics. Ive been often weak at doing so much lately,several pills have been given to keep me active,but... turns out the connections between those drugs and me where very vulgar. I have a family of complications, six in total. Two younger brother, one big brother , two elder sisters, myself(Darla) and my mother.
My father died of recent, it brought a lot of sadness and was very upsetting, traumatizing and painful.
He died on a car accident when he was on hes way to work, it really had
so much effect on my family. My mother tried her best to make sure
she keeps us happy.

Before I went to school, I was
in my room and suddenly remembe-
red the necklace my father gave me
before he passed away. It was like a wave of emotion washed over me and
I had to stop for a moment to catch my breathe. There was a sudden kno-
ck at the door and to my surprise, it was my mother! It was like a ray of
sunshine on a cloudy day
"Can i come in?" My mother asked.
I was lost in though and really
needed some quiet time to think about my father. I didnt want to be
rude to my mom, so I just told her
"I need some time alone,Mom."There
was a distinct pain and sadness in my voice crackling slightly as I held back tears. My mother could sense
the pain in her daughter's voice, but
sometimes it was better to let me be
She wanted to tell me something, to
offer some words of comfort, but she could tell i needed some space to think.
With a heavy heart, my mother walked away, feeling helpless and
worried. She knew I was
going through a difficult time, and it
pained to see me suffer. But she always knew that sometimes the best
thing she could do was to simply be there for me, even if it means leaving me alone.

I had a flashback and remembered the necklace my dad gave me before he passed. It looked similar to a book I saw somewhere but i pretended I didnt know what it was.

Few minutes later.....
I came out for breakfast before school and I looked down at my food as I was eating without making eye contact with any of my siblings. My mum and sister exchanged a look that made me feel they were worried about me. The dining table felt unusually quiet as if everyone was holding their breath.

I walked into school a few hours later and immediately sought out my bestfriend Seraph. I showed her the necklace and we both realized it looked similar to the book we saw somewhere. We couldn't remember where we had seen it, and then Seraph said something that made my heart skip a beat- what if the book had something to do with my dad?"
I tried to convince myself that it wasn't possible, but deep down, I knew it was. The rest of my school hours was filled with distractions, shaking, and thought about the book and how it could relate to my Dad. I began to overthink and became scared, unable to focus on anything. Seraph and my close friend tried to help me calm down, but I was fraustrated and wanted to strangle them.

My two guy friends Shalom and Ethan realized how I have been off lately and wanted to know what happened. I told them everything but they didnt believe me. It was really hard to explain to them,only Seraph could understand.

The four of us Me, Seraph, Ethan, and Shalom always go to an old victorian mansion after school to check out some old stuff, paintings and books but today felt different. Ethan was checking most of the books then he suddenly felt something move past him. So he called me, Seraph and Shalom. Suddenly the air felt coldet and the light dimmed. We heard footsteps and whispers coming from the other side of the room.
We looked at each other with fear and curiousity. Then, a book flew off the shelf and hit Shalom on the head. We all gasped and ran out of the mansion as fast as we could. It was a close call, but we all made it out alive. We were left with many questions, but no answers. What was in the mansion? Who or what was trying to communicate with us? We knew we had to go back and find out.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to make sense of what was happening. I felt a mix of fear and curiousity, wondering why the book had chosen me and my friends. We all knew that we had to do something. We took a deep breath and summoned the courage to go back inside, even summoned through my knees were shaking and my palms were sweaty
Me and my friends were scared, but we were also determined to find out what was happening and put an end to it.
We were all scared to go back inside but we had to find out what the book was. Slowly, we made our way back into the room. We looked around, our hearts pounding in our chests. Suddenly, I heard something strange it was coming from the back of the room, where the book was. The book was making a lot of strange noises, and the more we tried to move away from it, the more it seemed to try and escape. We were all terrified, but we couldn't leave without finding out what was going on.

Suddenly, the book flew off the shelf and landed loudly on a nearby table. Dust flew up everywhere, and we all coughed and covered our faces. As we looked at the book, we saw that it had a misson side in the middle that was similar to the necklace I was wearing. Ethan was the first to speak "No way," he said, " we found the book!" Shalom was more cautious. "This is scary," she said "why would the book choose us?"

I was about to put my necklace on the misson spot when Seraph stopped me. "Wait," she said. "We had no idea what was going to happen next, but we know that we had to be prepared for anything.

As everywhere began to shake, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Suddenly Shalom forcefully took the necklace from around my neck and placed it in the middle of the book with the misson spot. I was confused and didnt understand what was happening. Seraph shouted at Shalom, demanding an explanation for his reckless behaviour. She said "Where you deaf when I told seraph to wait, what the hell where you thinking?!!" Shalom responded and said "The book already found us we wouldn't be able to leave in peace!, it would find a way to follow us. Seraph responded and said "Are you stupid! U didnt even bother to tell us that was what you where going to do. Are you slow or something?" I was tired of their bickering, So I intervened, trying to calm them down. Suddenly, the book began to shake, and within seconds it opened. My friends and I stared in disbelief, wondering what was going to happen next.

The book slowly opened, revealing its mystical contents. Our hearts pounded with anticipation as we stared in awe. A form of dust formed, and we heard a voice say, "THE CHOSEN." We all knew it was coming, but we had no idea what it meant.

Part 2 would be out later!!
Hope you enjoyed the first part
of it!!

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