Author's Note

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Hello all, it's been a looong time since I've updated this story. With starting uni this year has just been absolutely hectic, however.... I'm currently on my summer break and I cannot stop thinking about finishing this story. So the plan is to mass edit the current parts (I'm not intending to adapt major plot points so if you remember the plot you won't need to read again - unless you want to). Then once I've done that I'm going to start writing again, honestly not too sure whether I'm going to continue on into season 2 as I had previously planned or whether to end it at the end of season 1, we'll see how the edit goes.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this, it really means a lot. i feel like my writing style has changed a lot over the past year so I hope you will all still enjoy what i put out. Although I haven't been updating or really replying for that matter I have seen everyone's lovely comments, and honestly they all really made my day when they popped up. 

Keep your eye out for future updates coming soon,
Meg xx

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