A Silent Admirer

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In the shadows I stand, a silent admirer,
Gazing at him from afar, my heart on fire.
He moves with grace, unaware of my eyes,
Lost in a world where only love lies.

But how can I convey the emotions I bear,
When he knows not my presence, my love to share?
I am but a ghost in his enigmatic realm,
Dreaming of a connection I can only overwhelm.

His laughter echoes, a melodic refrain,
A symphony that dances through my mind again.
I yearn to be near, to touch his gentle soul,
Yet I remain invisible, an insignificant role.

I watch as he blossoms like a flower in spring,
A radiant aura that makes my heart sing.
But alas, our paths never chance to collide,
Leaving my love imprisoned, forever denied.

So I collect stolen glances, fragments of his charm,
Memories I treasure, like a soothing balm.
In my secret world, my heart finds solace,
In loving him from afar, without a trace.

For within the depths of my secret desire,
Lies a beauty that only a heart can acquire.
His existence fills the canvas of my dreams,
Even if he never knows, it's more than it seems.

Thus, I'll continue to adore him in silence,
With hope in my heart, and patience as my guidance.
For the universe may conspire, in its own mysterious way,
To intertwine our fates, one destined day

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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