Chapter 3 We meet again.

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I asked them about her and ask them where she is so they tell us that "she was scared so she went to the classroom" we tell them to take us near her so that we can talk to her and sort things out so she doesn't get into trouble because of them again so she takes us to the classroom that she was hiding but the door was locked from inside we immediately understood that she was scared so we asked the girls to knock the door and talk to her so they knocked the door and the girl inside talks with a scared tone and asks who was it the girls told that it was them so she opens the door a bit and she only allowed the girls to come in as she was a bit scared to see boys at that time so we tell the girls to cool her down and bring her to class and then we go back to class after sometime the girls return with the girl to the front door and they a asked me to come out once as she wanted to thanks me so me and my friend go and meet her but she was standing backwards all I didn't see her face them the other girls ask her to turn around I was shocked to see that the girl was my school friend who I met near the bus station the other day and I asked her if she was ok she replied saying that she was ok and she was about to cry but I told the other girl to take her and asked her to take care of herself and if she needs anything she can find me here after sometime the teacher called me into the staff room to talk to me so I asked my friend comes with me to the staff room the teacher wasn't shocked as she knew that my friend would come as we go together to all the places so she came to the point and told me that I needed to work on my temper as the bullies that I fought today was the principal son and the principal scolded her for interfering in the fight and she also thanked us for saving her daughter (she is one of girls who tried to stop the bullies to protect my school friend) I told the teacher not too worry as the bully won't cause any trouble as they got suspended for bulling the daughter of the chairman so don't worry I think he and his father will be in trouble because of it so the teacher giggles and tells us that he deserves it according to the teachers they have caused a lot of problems in the past and the principal blackmailed them that he will reduce our salaries so he deserves the punishment and if there is a meeting about it we won't hesitate to tell the truth as we have the chairman's daughter on our side so we can remove him from the position and keeps someone who respects all people equally then thought it was right and we left the staff room.

TOGETHER AGAIN: A  STORY OF  REKINDLED  ROMANCEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum