The Aftermath of War

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Note:. I was going to try to make this spoiler free, if I did, it wouldn't make sense if I try to word things out of context. But at this point (after writing the whole chapter) itfeels like there's so much stuff missing. I want others who've never seen JJK to understand too, and then it may be too frustrating to read. But then I remembered that it's not about Jujutsu Kaisen! It's supposed to to about Yuji in Spy x Family! So I've decided to make this a teaser!

Warnings: Mentions of violence, war, death, and children

Chapter x | TEASER

It was all going so well that day, the day where he was to be promoted as a Grade 1 sorcerer. All well, until the incident in Shibuya. Well until he saw him die, and lost control of his body, and his life.

In those moments, Yuuji had never felt to so lost in his life. The pain of not being able to even save a life, or protect others absolutely destroyed him. And now in the moment, he has to face it, his enemy — his polar opposite.

The words that it spoke out crushed him, their actions are almost enough to destroy his soul.
In the midst of the battle, Yuji had came to the thought that nothing mattered anymore; his life didn't matter, and he should just let it all end.

But it wasn't yet, his best friend is here, and proudly, he yelled out to Yuji.

That's right. There is hope. There is reason, and there is meaning behind his existence. That realization gave him enough courage to stand back up and hit his opponent back in it's face, again. This, is the climax; when Yuji finally accepts the reality around him.

And finally, using all his cursed energy, and his might, Yuji defeats his enemy—the mirror of himself.

They disappear as they die, and leave no traces itself, but the damage it was caused did. Although the it is finally gone it will truly never disappear. Exhaustion sets into his body and soul. He finally noticed his damaged body. . .

Gojo-sensei, Fushiguro-san. . . Nobora. Everyone. I hope I've at least helped you all.

Yuji's body crashes onto the ground, his back faces the grey sky, and Yuji feels his body getting lighter and lighter every second.

And I'm glad that I got to avenge you... as his final thoughts.


Buildings are awrecked. Family homes dust the ground of what used to be a town. The sky is sad and grey, a reminder to all those who still remain that this place was in the midst of a battlefield.
It was all silent. So silent the screams of an infant underneath rubble, and the sobs of young children who have lost their parents are heard.

The sky booms loud again, like the sounds of people tearing each other apart; the sounds of war. But this time there is no more destruction, only soft gentle rain. As if the sky is crying along with the children.

Splat! Is the noise to describe the raindrop colliding down onto Yuji's foreheard. The movement of dripping water tickles his nerves, which wakes him up from his slumber.

Openings his eyes, Yiji sees the grey sky from above, and it reminded him of the events that occurred before he passed out. Did I not die?
He rolled his eyes around th, he noted that he was surrounded by rubble an debris, the place looked quite different from before, but maybe his battle caused much more damage than he realized.

Yuji couldn't move anything of his limbs not matter how much he wanted them to move. What made this even more frustrating was the rain,— which was getting heavier and heavier — splashing onto his face; it made breathing almost impossible. He was lucky his lips were open enough to where he could breath through his teeth.

If I'm alive, Fushi and Nobora would be happy right?

The time never seemed to move at all, and made Yuji's predicament miserable. The thought of his friends not knowing he was still here, hurts a part of him. Those thoughts then spiraled into more thoughts which would overwhelm him with emotions.
Hope—because he's alive.
Sentimental—because he was able avenge.
Relief—because of his friends and comrades
Sadness—for the loss of life, 
And guilt, because of he is alive.
Yuji, who was ready to die is now in a hurdle if mixed emotion, and on the verge of tears.
And even if he did cry, his tears would disappear among the rain drops.

Being so engrossed his emotions, he could no longer hear anything from the outside world.

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