Chapter 2: Uncommon in the Common

Start from the beginning

April 21, 2015
Early Morning

Phoenix was up in the morning with the weight of the decision on his mind, Minato notices Phoenix seems troubled.

Minato: "You alright, Phoenix? You seem troubled."

Phoenix: "I'll be fine, just have to make a pretty big decision and I'm not sure if I'll make the right choice."

Minato: "How about after school we talk about it?"

Phoenix: "I'd like that, thanks Minato."

Minato: "You didn't use an honorific when referring to me."

Phoenix: "We are friends aren't we?"

Minato: "Give it a few days and maybe I'll consider it."

Phoenix: "hmph, even I can tell you're being sarcastic."

The Fool tarot card floats down in front of Phoenix's face and dispates indicating he's formed a bond between himself and Minato. Minato forms a social link with Phoenix, but the card is blank confusing Minato.

Minato: "Got a social link with me, huh? Let me guess The Fool right?"

Phoenix: "How did you...?"

Minato: "Me and Hamuko formed The Fool social link with S.E.E.S as a whole. The one I formed with you, the card is blank. Which is confusing."

Phoenix: "Let's figure it out later, still gotta go to school after all."

Minato nods and the two head out to school. Minato and Hamuko get called by another student, Phoenix keeps on walking after telling the two he'll see them after school. Phoenix gets inside and learns there's an assembly, Phoenix finds Fuuka and the two head there together. The assembly goes by relatively quickly with Phoenix not paying much attention despite Fuuka trying to make him pay attention.

Student: "...That concludes the main portion of today's assembly. Next, we'll hear a word from the Student Council. Please welcome the new President. Mitsuru Kirijo, from Class 3-D."

Mitsuru: "Thank you."

The student walks off the stage as Mitsuru steps up to the podium. Phoenix looks at Fuuka.

Phoenix: "I didn't know, Mitsuru-senpai was the student council president."

Fuuka: "She is quite amazing isn't she..."

Phoenix stares at Fuuka as she seems to have trailed off while staring at Mitsuru, Phoenix decides he'll question her later.

Mitsuru: "As I begin my term as Student Council President, I'd like to share with you my vision for this coming year. It is my firm belief that each of us must accept the responsibility of bettering our school. However, change cannot occur without sustained effort and an unprecedented level of commitment. That is why we must restructure our daily lives to accomodate this lofty goal. I'd like each of you to dig deeply into your well of motivation, and re-evaluate your convictions...To imagine a bold new future without losing sight of the realities around you. That is the key. I am certain that many of you have your own visions of the future...For us to reap the full benefits of our education your participation, ideas, and enthusiasm are essential. Thank you."

Mitsuru steps away from the podium to a round of applause.

Phoenix: "She sure can give a speech, huh?"

Fuuka: "She's incredibly popular for her looks and speaking ability."

After Class

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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