Chapter 2. Glow

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The phone rang loudly, causing ripples to spread from the desk it was situated on and distracting Marco and Polo from their game of hide and water-seek with Wade. As Brook left the kitchen where she and Eddy were in the kitchen setting up dinner to take the call since-

"RAAAHH! I HAVE YOU NOW!" Wade roared, using the kid's momentary distraction to catch Marco. The kids screamed, Marco managing to slip out of his uncle's grip and laughing hysterically as they swam away quickly with Wade quickly following after the, "NO! YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME!"

"You lost your momentum kids!" Ghibli laughed as Lake shook their head, sipping the glass casually as the T.V. played silently in the background.

Brook chuckled but hurried over as the phone continued to ring, holding it up to her ears as she chimed loud and clear. "Hello, this is Brook!"

There was a moment of hesitation before a feminine voice came through, the tones a soft smoky husk that um in confusion. "Um, hi! Is Wade Ripple there?"

"Why yes he is, who is this?"

"It's Ember. I'm-"


Holding in the shriek lest she burst the poor girl's eardrums, Brook barely managed to utter out in her excitement. Lake and Eddy gave her a curious look. "Of course, I'll get him right now. WADE!" She could hear Wade and the kids still splashing around as she continued to shout at him as she lowered the phone so she still didn't scream in Ember's ear. "Ember's on the phone for you!"

"COMING!" The playfighting Brook could hear stop instantly as the kids booed in response but Wade's stunned yell was enough for Brook to laugh serenely.

The other in the living room, Harold who was finishing up one of his paintings and Alan talking with him while Eddy was still setting up dinner on the table with Lake and Ghibli, all eyes turned around as the splashing grew frantic, and within seconds of Brook calling out Ember's name, Wade whooshed out of the other room like a speedboat, eyes wide and glittering with excitement.

"Coming, coming!" He huffed and Brook shook her head at her son as she held the phone to him as he immediately snatched it up, the biggest beaming grin on his face as he held the phone up to his ear. "Hi Ember! I'm surprised to hear from you! Are you alright?" Brook stepped to the dining table to give him some privacy but Wade nodded, his face still bright as he hung up the phone after telling her - "If there's a massive waterfall, you're at the right place. I'll be right down!" Turning around as he quickly ran to the door. "I'll be back!"

Is Ember here? Did he invite her?

Brook and Eddy faced each other, beaming brightly as Eddy patted Brook on the shoulder she started squealing and whimpering in excitement. Lake sighed, swirling her blue wine. "Does this mean his girlfriend is coming over?"

"Oh water, do I hope so! I hope she comes up! I can't wait to finally meet her!" Brook clapped her hands together, water droplets falling around her.

"Me too!" Eddy laughed along with her. Ghibli giggled in response, nudging Lake.

"It's nice to see Wade act so adorable in the name of love." Lake huffed a laugh.

"He reminds me of a sea pup. Just so excited all the time."

"As am I." Alan laughed. "Lately, I've been getting music recommendations from him and well...he's not wrong. He knows some good songs. Just lots of romantic songs. I'm almost sick of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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