What a Shock!

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Soon the police arrived and escorted them to David's beach house. "You should be safe here." The officer said, letting them out. He drove off and the group went inside. "Jack and Stephanie took one room and Chelsea, David, and Ben took the other.
That night it was hard for them to fall asleep. Just as Stephanie began to doze off, thunder burst from the sky, startling her back awake. By 3;00 AM, she gave up and went into the bathroom.
Lighting flickered through the windows followed by loud rumbles. All of a sudden lightning struck the power line. The electrical panel above the water heater burst and wires swung down over a pipe. Electricity instantly traveled through it, into the house.
Stephanie finished washing her hands and was about to turn off the faucet when an electrical bolt burst from the water, striking her hand. She screamed and held her arm, looking at the blackened skin. Another bolt shot through the air striking her shoulder. She flew back against the wall and slid down to the floor, crying.
Jack woke up from the thump and quickly went to investigate. He heard Stephanie's cries from the bathroom and quickly ran to the door. He tried the handle but it locked. "Stephanie, open the door!"
She reached for the handle but a bolt struck it. Electricity flowed through the metal handle and out the other end, nearly hitting Jack. Just then the toilet exploded with lighting. Water flooded the bathroom sending electrical currents through it. She quickly turned off the faucet and jumped onto the sink, avoiding the water.
Jack desperately pushed on the door, but it didn't budge. Soon Chelsea, Ben, and David woke up from the commotion. "What's going on?" David asked, rubbing his eyes. "Stephanie's locked in the bathroom!" Just then Jack felt something cold engulf his feet. He looked down and saw water leaking from the door. "What the hell." Ben whimpered holding onto David. All of a sudden a bolt of electricity burst from the water striking Jack. He flew back hitting the starecase railing. "Don't let the water touch you!" Jack screamed as the puddle expanded. Chelsea quickly climbed onto a table and David and Ben stepped onto a shelf.
The water was slowly filling the bathroom and Stephanie pulled up her legs to avoid it when a bolt shot through the air striking the mirror. The glass exploded, slamming Stephanie against the wall. She screamed in pain from the shattered mirror piercing through her skin.
A current of electricity stuck the light above the group. The bulb exploded sending a wave of fire over the ceiling. "We have to go!" Chelsea yelled, looking up at the expanding fire. "No! We can't leave Stephanie." "We have too." David responded. "We all die if we don't" He leaped across the water to Jack, Chelsea and Ben following behind. They ran down the stairs as flames covered the walls, following behind them.
Electricity filled the bathroom, striking Stephanie. Chunks of her were blown off and her skin slowly began to melt. She desperately crawled to the door, reaching for the handle. It began to glow as she grabbed it, burning her hand. The door slowly turned black as the fire burned it. Flames engulfed the wood and Stephanie let out a scream right as a bolt struck her head, blowing it to pieces.
The fire was catching up with them as they ran for the door. The fire alarms blazed around them as Chelsea reached for the handle. She was about to open it when an electrical current zapped the handle, shocking her. They looked up and saw water leaking from the ceiling. "The garage!" They began running to the back of the house, the ceiling slowly getting soggy above them. They ran into the garage and got into the truck, avoiding the electricity bursting from the ceiling, covering everything in flames. David reversed smashing through the garage as the door blew open sending fire and electricity toward them. He whipped out into the street just as the fire reached an old car battery laying on the ground. As the fire consumes it, it exploded. Debris was thrown toward them and david quickly swerved out of the way. The house slowly burned to ash as they drove off.

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