Chapter 20

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[Louis POV]

Time is one of those things you never seem to pay much attention to until it's gone. It's one of the most important yet least treasured things in life, as it passes by so quickly you have no understanding of what it's capable of.

It can change a person in many ways- make them realize their faults, their mistakes, their losses, and what they never even had but could've had.

You can change physically, mentally, emotionally, or some mixture of the three.

A year can especially do a lot to a person.

It's been a year, since Harry's been around, and I'm not even sure where he's gone. He just, got up one day and left.

We've texted over Niall's phone a few times, but he's refused to tell me anything, and it's quite suffocating.

"It's been nearly a year, Louis. I don't think he's going to answer your calls-"

"But he has to- he wouldn't just-"

"He's gone, Louis."

I shiver at the memory, taking a shot of vodka as I halfway listen to Niall and Liam's conversation, not even all that sure what they're talking about.

They've said I've ruined myself, chasing after Harry when I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to run.

The bar's become my frequent residence, and I practically have a stool with my name carved into it from how much I've sat upon it. Niall and Liam tend to joke and call it my 'Throne of Sorrow', and I just tend to laugh along because they don't know everything, not like I've let them believe they do.

"Hey, Louis, come on, you've reached your drinking limit," Liam warns, and both he and Niall stand from their seats to help me off of mine.

"But 'm not even drunk yet," I slur out, laughing a bit as I stumble through the bar as the three of us leave.

"You're definitely drunk," Niall laughs, helping me into the backseat of the car. I sigh as I lie against the leather seating, my brain a bit fuzzy against it all. No matter how many times I get drunk it's the same thing, that I'm still okay enough to function. It defeats the entire purpose of it all.

Liam hops in the driver seat, Niall getting in the front passenger, and I listen as the ignition is brought to life and the music on the radio begins playing.

I frown as I recognize the song, knowing rather well that it's none other than one by Harry.
He's still doing well in the music industry, wherever he's gone off to.

We make it home quickly, well quicker than the time usually seems to go by, and I curse at myself as I hit my head on the car as I step out of it.

I stumble a bit, drunk giggling as Liam practically hugs me to help get me across the driveway.

Niall's a few steps ahead of us, stopping suddenly as he lets out a small gasp, one of excitement or shock, I can't decide.

"Harry?" He asks, bewildered, before I hear that same small laugh, but not the one from Niall.

The one that's haunted me for days on end.

"Hey, Niall."

"What are you doing here?" Liam pipes in, and I only watch in confusion through my drunken and depressed state.

"I came to see Louis," he replies, sighing in defeat.

"So you're sat on our porch steps to do so?" Niall laughs, and so do I, as I find it a bit funny.

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