My Name is Billie and I'm Freaking Out

Começar do início

Luna and I shared a look. I never told him about my mom and I wasn't planning to.

"I'm staying at Luna's house for a while. She was complaining about us not spending enough time together," I lied as Luna nodded in agreement.

Matthew shrugged in response and closed his locker.

"If you want, Matthew, you could come to my house after school so we all can get to the party at the same time," Luna offered.

Matthew nodded in response. As the bell rang, Luna walked to her class while Matthw and I walked to ours. We entered the classroom and sat down at our seats. Matthew turned to me.

"I can't believe you're still allowed to go to the party tonight even after cursing out Ash-Lynn," he laughed.

"Well I was not at fault there, AND I was standing up for someone," I explained.

"Yeah, well-" Matthew was about to speak but was interrupted by our teacher starting the lesson.


3 classes later, it was my lunch period. Although Ash-Lynn wasn't going to be here for the rest of the week, I still sat with the girls who we normally sat with. Two of the girls are twins named Chara and Charity. I was friends with them before I met Ash-Lynn. As I approached the table, everyone smiled and greeted me.

"Are you going to the party tonight, Lillie Joe?" A girl named Charity asked.

"Yeah," I answered, "Luna and I had to get on our knees and beg her parents to  let us go."

"Wait, why were you asking her parents? Shouldn't you have asked yours?" A different girl named Chara asked me.

"Yeah, but I'm staying at Luna's for a while. My mom is on a business trip," I lied but they bought it anyway.

"Ugh. I feel bad for you," Charity scoffed, "I don't like that Luna girl. She got Ash-Lynn suspended. Luna was talking about Ash-Lynn first, and she even called her a bitch. Ash-Lynn should be here, not Luna."

"Yeah, well Ash will be here in a week. She won't be gone forever, and I know this whole situation will blow over," I said.

"Oh my gosh, Luna!" exclaimed Chara, "you have all these bruises and cuts on you! What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I put on a fake smile to try to convince them that I was alright, "I just had a small accident."

The girls nodded and we continued having conversations and eating lunch.


It was finally the end of the day. Luna, Matthew, and I agreed to meet up at my locker so we wouldn't get separated during dismissal. I wasn't waiting at my locker for long until I saw Luna and Matthew at the end of the hallway. I waved at them and they sprinted toward me.

"Hey, you guys ready?" I asked them.

They smiled and nodded in response. We walked to the exit and out to the car line. I spotted Luna's mom's tan SUV and led my friends to the car. Luna got into the passenger seat while Matthew and I got in the back.

"Hey, guys!" Mrs. Jacobs greeted us with a cheerful smile.

"Hey, Mrs. Jacobs," Matthew and I said in unison.

"Hi, Mom," greeted Luna.

"You guys ready for the party tonight?" She asked us.

"Yeah!" We all cheered.

"I can't believe we get to see Green Day in person in four hours!" Luna squealed, then turned toward me, "We have to pick out our outfits together!"

"Of course," I laughed.

Song of the CenturyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora