★ 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐞 ★

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"oh come on, that's so cool! it doesn't matter if it's flashy or not as long as it's strong." sero reassured him, you joined in.

"you should be grateful, bro. some people don't have useful quirks at all." you reminded him.

"yeah, like mineta." jirou pointed out, making the whole group laugh at her mean joke towards the purple ball haired kid who was weirdly pervy.

"anyway, what's it like having such an extravagant quirk l/n? must be tiring carrying around all those powers." sero half joked, complimenting you.  

"it's alright, but your guys' quirks are amazing as well! it's so cool to be in a class with such capable people." you commented, holding your fist in the air.

"for real!" kaminari agreed, his hands on his hips. "it's so cool getting accepted into this radical school."

"nobody says 'radical' dude." jirou shut him down in a monotone tone of voice, you giggled at her attitude. it reminded you of bakugou's, only she was less angry.

"she's right." you added. "what are you? 60?"

everyone laughed at your sarcasm, kirishima nudged your arm to catch your attention. "we should get going, dad will wanna know how our first day went." he conveyed.

you rolled your eyes, you were in too good of a mood to talk to kenji. "sure, i guess. see you guys tomorrow!" you waved goodbye, getting off the desk you were sitting on and leaving behind kirishima.

"bye kirishima! by L/n!" everyone waved back.

"bye bestie, text me later!" mina called out, you showed a thumbs up as a response. 


"hey eijirou?" you asked the red head as you two headed down the halls. he hummed in response. "my quirk isn't the only good thing about me, right?" you quietly asked, stopping in your tracks.

kiri stopped in front, turning to face you. "of course not sis! people just admire it. you're also kind, funny, and super loud!" you punched his arm. "ow! that's a good thing. being loud makes you popular."

"yeah.. i just hope i don't get used." you let out a breathy laugh.

"you won't, y/n. i'll make sure of it." he promised, smiling.

"thanks bro." you said.

"what're step brothers for?" he grinned.

"i'm gonna stay behind to do some training behind the school, i'll be home later." you told him, continuing to walk side by side.

"want me to come? we can do some one on one fights." kirishima supposed, seeming thrilled.

"nah. maybe next time, i'm gonna do some solo. see you at home, eijirou!" you said, giving him a small smile as if to say 'i'll be fine.'

"see you! try not to break anything." he called out, disappearing down the stairs. you sighed, looking down at your pe uniform.

"so you and weird hair are really siblings, huh?" you heard a gruff voice behind you, it scared the shit out of you you almost activated your quirk when you jumped. turning around, you realised it was the familiar blonde.

"he's my STEP brother, yeah." you corrected him. "why're you still here?"

"I CAN BE WHEREVER I WANNA BE!" he defended himself aggressively.

"never said you couldn't." you laughed out loud. "if you don't mind blondie, i'll be leaving-"

"what's your stupid quirk?" bakugou blurted, making you slowly turn around to face him once again.
"pardon?" you asked cautiously.
"you heard me, what's your dumb quirk that somehow got above me TWICE!" he repeated himself, getting frustrated.

Tolerance ★ Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum