It was already eight when he got here. Guess it was a good thing for him that Brian new I had a crush on him and couldn't say no to him. By the time the movie was over I was almost falling asleep. Whatever he was watching had a second movie, he started right after. I checked my phone. 10pm. I yawned, covering my mouth. "Am I keeping you awake or boring you?" He said chuckling. "It's just been a long day." I said looking over at him. "Tell me about it. Who books concerts in December this far north?" He said. "Right." I said and giggled. "Are you gonna be okay out here? I mean this couch seems, small." I said. "I'll be fine, if you want to sleep go ahead." He said and smiled at me. "Okay." I said as I got up. "Goodnight Corey." I said biting my lip. "Goodnight Amanda." He said.

I walked into the bedroom, changing into a longer t-shirt and taking off my pants. I crawled up into bed, checking my phone for a few minutes then fell asleep.

Corey's POV

I couldn't sleep at all, the couch wasn't comfortable. I tossed and turned for hours. My eyes were shut and  as I was trying to fall asleep I hear glass shatter from the kitchen area. I got up and walked over quietly seeing Amanda in the kitchen and a broken cup on the floor along with a spider. I chuckled , which made her jump again. "Fuck you scared me. Did I wake you?" She said biting her lip. I quickly looked her up and down. She must have thought she wouldn't be caught. I watched her for a moment staring at me. I was shirtless, with sweat pants on."I couldn't sleep anyway." I said and walked over grabbing a broom. I killed the spider then swept up the glass. "Th-thank you. Sorry not a fan of spiders." She said and giggled a little. I smiled as I swept it into the dustpan, standing up and moving close to her. "I get it, it's fine." I said then moved away dumping it in the trash and putting them away. I loved how she got so nervous when I was close to her. I stepped back over to her. "Want to watch something?" I asked then stepped closer leaning over her to grab a granola bar from the cabinet. My chest touching hers as I leaned. "I-I uh." She stuttered. "Would you be less nervous if you just did what your thinking about?" I mumbled into her ear, sending visible goosebumps all over her. "Wh-what do you mean?" She asked. "What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" I asked sitting my hand on the counter behind her. "You don't want to know." She mumbled. "What if I really do?" I said as she looked down my arm. "I-I can't tell you." She said as her face turned red. "Fine, fine. I won't pry." I said moving away and walking back towards the couch. I heard her take a deep breath.

I was definitely attracted to her, and if we were gonna be stuck here together it was going to get hard to not try to make a move. She came in shortly after I sat down and sat beside me. "It's kinda cold in here don't you think?" She said low. I chuckled and covered her legs with my blanket and moved a little closer to her. "Maybe if you had pants on." I said and bit my lip looking at her. She blushed. "Well I didn't expect to wake up thirsty and be scared by a spider." She said and giggled a little. "Good thing I was awake to rescue you." I said then turned to look at the TV finding something to put on, turning the volume down.

She must have been exhausted, because within ten minutes of the movie playing she was almost nodding out. I smiled at her as I watched her. Eventually she fell asleep, her head falling to my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and smiled. I waited a little while before I softly picked her up and brought her to the room. I laid her down and covered her up. I softly ran my fingers down her face then walked back to the couch laying down. I managed to fall asleep but that didn't last long. I woke up a few hours later shivering. I checked my phone, 4:30am. Sid called just as I unlocked my phone.

"Hello?" I grumbled. "Is it cold in your room too?" He asked.

"Yeah, I woke up fucking freezing. Is the electric on?" I asked sitting up looking for the remote.

"Yeah we have lights just no fucking heat!" He said.

"Well that's just great." I mumbled rubbing my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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