Filthy Little Whore

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Chapter 004

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" My dad yelled in my face. I could smell the scent of beer flowing out his mouth.

"Filmimg." I said in a squeaky voice.

"FUCK THAT BULLSHIT! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" He yelled. Spit flew on to my face. "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN AT ANY OF THOSE TEENAGE BOYS HOUSES!" I took a big gulp then prepared myself for possibly the worst beating I was gonna get for a bit.

Within seconds I felt a harsh stinging slap across my face. One of his rings had left a deep cut. I thought he was done but it appears that wasn't enough for him.

"YOU'RE A  FILTHY LITTLE WHORE. YOU KNOW THAT!?" He yelled at me before pushing me into the wall. He grabbed a plate from the table a threw it at me.

"ANSWER ME." He slapped me across the face again then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and shoved me in to the wall again. I didn't try fight back because I know that it all it would do was make it worse.

He let go reaching for a glass so I took my chance and ran upstairs to my room. My dad ran after me throwing glasses and lamps or just anything he could find at me hoping to hit me with it.

I managed to get to my room and shut the door behind me. I locked it then leaned against it to keep him out of my room. A splitting pain entered my back as my dad bash into the door.

I dragged myself along the floor all the way to my bed. I pulled myself onto my bed and curled up in a ball. Every few seconds my dad would bash himself against the wall trying to break it open.


And then the banging stopped. I felt stinging tears roll down my face into my cut as I let out a horrid screaching scream.

~A/n this chapter is super short but I want only one thing to happen in it so that's why~Love you guys <3~

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