Arc 2 : Chapter 2

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It was raining when he was tossed out from the portal. He bounced off the slicked rooftop, tumbling down off the side. He tried to catch himself, but was unsuccessful in preventing a fall off of the large building. Landing with a thud! through a dumpster's lid, he laid motionless for a spell.

Inevitably though, he threw the dumpster lid open, before crawling out. He was covered in slimy trash, complete with a banana peel shish-kebabed onto his shoulder spikes. It was an interesting look, one Kaleb hated. He ripped the banana peel off, before wiping himself down ineffectually.

He took one look around, before stopping in his tracks. He had fallen into an alley that apparently every homeless person in NYC lived in. Six vagrants had huddled up around a fire, and were now watching him.

"The fuck are you skinbags looking at?"

They scattered into the wind, afraid of the strange being. He growled, annoyed, before he shot a web and pulled himself up onto the roof. He looked around at the city, studying it. It was his home city, but something was.. off. Different somehow.

The rain washed down his chassis, wetting his cloth headscarf and loincloth. The former stuck to his head, as he sighed. At least the rain washed away the scent, right?

That's one thing he was trying to be better at, looking on the bright side. Most times, it didn't go very well, but he tried nonetheless. He leaned over the edge and looked in the reflection of a window, seeing his mechanical visage.

Ever since he took up the mantle of interim Web-Head, he tried to embody what it meant to be like her. It was a symbol of hope. But, that's not what he was, was it? He was an assassin, a killer, a monstrous reminder of how Oscorp had destroyed, how they had mangled him. He had gotten his revenge, sure, but he had lost everything in the process. He had won, but at what cost? What good was the victory if you didn't have anyone to revel in it with?

He was interrupted by the all-too-familiar sound of a web thwipping onto a metal object, before someone landed behind him. He turned, seeing a male figure in a bright red suit with a Spider emblem on his chest. From his shoulders up, it was a rubbery black overlay on his fabric suit. His lenses were reflective red, and unmoving. Revenant immediately readied for a fight, but to his surprise, the man put his hands up in submission.

"Woah, I'm not going to fight you, bud. I saw you get spit out of the portal, like me."

"Who are you?" Revenant interrogated, turning his left hand into a blade and pointing it at the man.

"Relax, Mr. Roboto." He slowly raised his hands to his mask, before removing it. Revenant stepped back, nearly falling off the roof again. He couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible. He had blonde hair swept to the right, with the sides cleanly faded. His strikingly blue eyes and defined features sickened him. It was like looking in a mirror to the past.

——— - — - ———

"Alrighty kiddos, let's do this one more time." He swung through the city skyline, clutching onto a box. His bright red and black suit seemed to shimmer, illuminated by the rising sun. Morning commuters down on the streets below looked up, shouting out to the city's protector.

"My name is Kaleb Cross, and for the last three years, I've been the one and only Arachnid. In that time, some pretty wild shit has happened." He landed on a rooftop, sitting down cross-legged on the edge.

"I saved the city once or twice.. or was it thrice? Doesn't matter how many times I save this town, though. I'll still love it. I'm getting off topic. Anyways, I saved a guy, Max. We became best buds pretty quickly. I met a girl, got played by said girl, fought some animal-themed bozos, all that jazz." He set the box down next to him, as he lifted the lid, seeing the item inside intact.

A Revenant [Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider x OC]Where stories live. Discover now