Suddenly, he flicks his tongue in a different direction over her now super-sensitive clitoris. She is not going to last long, she is already falling. Her back arches off the wall causing her to thrust her hips up and making his tongue go deeper, she can't help the scream that leaves her mouth. Her scream only seems to fuel Austin's desire to see her fall apart more and he increases his tongue thrusting. She sees stars when she orgasms, maybe a firework or two too. Fucking hell, where was this man hiding this fucking tongue?

Austin helps her take her legs off his shoulders and then she sinks to the floor. "Hello," he says reaching for her. "I am not down here for you, my legs don't work," she says pushing him away. Austin chuckles and pulls her closer anyway. "You don't want me to..." Lux says reaching for his length, it's fucking hard. "No, sometimes it's just for you," Austin says batting her hand away and kissing her. Fuck. He breaks the kiss and smirks at her.


"Fail. Dismally."

They make it to the bus with no time to spare and Louis looks at her with a disgusted face while he shakes his head in the type of judgment only Louis can give. She adores the man.

The trip is short and when they climb off at their destination Lux sees Louis groan so she groans too. She doesn't know why yet. Austin chuckles at her and leads her to the large natural rock pools. Mud. They are just mud. "Mud baths," Austin says, "you should read the itinerary," he adds then turns and walks off. "I am not getting in there!" Lux shouts after him. "You will or I will throw you in!" Austin shouts over his shoulder. "Fuck, I hope he throws you in," Louis says walking past her. "I hope he throws you in," Lux mocks him in a high-pitched tone, following him to the changing rooms.

By the time she is out most of the family is submerged with only their heads sticking out of the mud except Austin's Aunt whose plastic breasts refuse to sink into the mud. "That woman has three heads," Louis whispers from next to her.

"Your family like this?"

"I have no idea. I avoid them like the plague."

"That's not healthy."

"My brother fucked my wife. On my wedding day."

"Fair enough," Lux says rolling her eyes and walking to Austin when she sees him waving her over. "In," he says. Lux puts one foot in and then the next, wriggling her toes. The mud is soft, like powder mixed with water and it's warm - a nice warm. She walks down the steps till her thighs are covered and sits down, the mud coming up to her shoulders. Weirdly, the mud is wet, heavy, sticky, and thick. It presses against her body and feels like a heavy blanket twisted around her - it's comforting and slightly intense. Austin moves in next to her and so she latches onto him, it takes some effort to get one leg over his even when he tries to help her. But, eventually, she is sitting on him in a straddle.

"I feel like I am buried," she whispers bringing her face close to his.

"Mmmm, it's making me lethargic."

"You are weird."

"You are weird."

Lux laughs softly then leans forward and kisses him. It's easy to fall back into him. She loved him so much. She may have only been nineteen and immature. She may have struggled to understand the damage she was causing. She also did not fully understand the pain they were both inflicting on each other. But, one thing she never questioned - not truly - was how much they had loved each other at one point. It had been real. In fairness, it had been the realist thing about them.

"When I was younger I had this boyfriend who liked to have his way me in the pig pens on his farm...this reminds me of that time."

Lux and Austin turn their heads slowly and look at her grandmother. "How do you keep getting out of your cage, Lori?" Lux asks her. "Austin. He has the key to my cage, right sweet boy," her grandmother says with a wink, Austin's mouth drops open and then she moves away. "She grabbed my ass," Austin hisses. "She lives in a nudist colony down in Florida. We only found out when she invited us to Christmas with her three years ago. It was a traumatic Christmas," Lux says rubbing mud on the tip of his nose.

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