Chapter 2

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Nathalie's POV

Ignoring Sarah during classes became increasingly difficult after what happened with Mikael. It hurt even more knowing that it was Sarah, my best friend, who betrayed me. I always thought that only bitches would do something like this.

The pain was unbearable. My best friend had stabbed me in the back and stolen the love of my life. How could they do this to me? It hurt that Mikael left me for another girl, but it hurt, even more, knowing it was Sarah - the girl I trusted so much. I couldn't understand why she would do this to me. I had been a kind and supportive friend to her.

"Hey, Nadz, can we talk?" Sarah pulled my hand as I walked down the stairs.

"Stop calling me Nadz! Only my friends call me Nadz, and you're not one of them. Not anymore!" I said angrily.

"Hey! Is it my fault that he fell out of love with you? Is it my fault that he fell for me? Is it my fault that he chose me over you?" Sarah said loudly. Fortunately, there were no students around to hear this conversation, or it would have spread outside the school campus as rumors about me.

"Before I answer that, can I ask you something? Did you ever think of me when you started dating him? Did you even care about how I would feel? I was your best friend, and you betrayed me! So don't you dare get mad at me because you know what you did was stupid! I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now, you bitch!" The word "bitch" slipped out of my mouth in the heat of the moment.

"What did you call me?" Sarah said, shocked.

"You heard me! Don't make me say it again," I said.

"You want to know the truth? I planned to take Mikael away from you. I flirted with him. I'm sick and tired of hearing your stories about how in love you are with him. You know what? All these years, it's always been about you, Nathalie. You have everything - you're rich, and you get whatever you want. But for me, I have nothing. That's why I decided to steal Mikael from you, the most important person in your life," Sarah said, shouting. I tried to be brave in front of Sarah, but I was deeply hurt by her revelation. She could have just told me she hated me rather than pretending to be my best friend.

"Cheers, Sarah! You succeeded. You have him. Now what? I'm still Nathalie. Nothing has changed. Everything you envy about me is still here. As for Mikael, I pity him. He's dating a crazy girl! Yes, I'm deeply hurt, but I'll move on, and you'll watch me! Goodbye, Sarah. I don't want to talk to you ever again!" I said calmly as I finally found my words. Sarah tried to speak, but I didn't want to hear what she had to say. I didn't want to hear anything from her. My heart was in deep pain now. I knew I couldn't handle it anymore if I continued to talk to her. I might break down in front of her. I didn't want her to see me as a loser. I ran as fast as I could until I reached a park and found a tree to sit under.

I sat under the tree and watched the sunset, crying and crying. I couldn't bear the pain inside me anymore. I just let my tears flow down my face.

Minutes later, I heard a man talking. I think he was talking on the phone. I stopped crying and peeked behind the tree to see who it was. When I turned my head, I saw a man's face right in front of mine, just inches away. I blinked twice to get a clearer view. It was James, the school's bad boy.

James's POV

"Veronica! What was that?" I asked.

"What?" Veronica replied.

"The big mess you created at the canteen! Now there are rumors everywhere about me breaking another girl's heart!" I said.

"Well, she deserves it. That bitch! And besides, it's true. We're dating, right?" Veronica assumed.

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