1 - The event that started it all

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It's been a while since ive been allowed to do this. The heat rays from the sun was my favorite feeling. And the feeling of calmness I would have when in a bustling crowd. I missed it dearly.


Third POV
Leaving her humble inn in a casual dress that wasn't abnormal for peasantry outfits, but also was on the higher end side. Y/N enjoy being on top of fashion trends. Her hair was down to but was slightly unkept. Probably should have washed it, but who really cares. She continued with your daily mission of going to the market, and today she was looking for a specific kind of book. Since she has not been in this village for very long, she had to ask of the locals around for some help with directions on the nearest bookstore.

After having to ask multiple people, Y/N finally find yourself in a comfortable place where she knows where to go. Constantly moving from town to town can mess with your sense of direction. Lagdon was a nice place though. However, the market felt off that day. As if the gods above were waiting for a scene in a movie to play.

All of a sudden, she could hear distant scream's coming from behind, along with people running in the opposite direction. She searched the crowd for answers.

When the crowd cleared a little bit more Y/N could see what happened. More like what was happening. A runaway horse pulling a cart. People were dodging, weaving, rolling, tumbling to get out of the way of the beast, running at full speed. Before the fear can even take over, she quickly ran diagonally out of the road to hide in a close by alleyway.

When she finally take a moment to breathe, Y/N peaked out the alleyway to see the cart charging towards a young boy probably around the ages of 5 to 6. Everything freezes. She could hear her heartbeat quickening as she thought about the fate of the little boy. She consider looking away to not look at him, the horror that would become of him, but couldn't. Standing there also wasn't an option.

Without even processing for another second she got out of the alleyway straight towards the boy as a horse is charging at him, only a few feet away. The girl grabbed his arm and snap him towards her as she push yourself onto the ground and completely shield him with her body from anything that came at him. The horse stumble. Seeing them fall to the ground freight in the horse, and made it stumble to almost a complete stop while on top of you.

Since the horse slowed down, people ran from their hiding places and homes to come in trying to wrangle the horse. However, this is caused more confusion and scared the horse to where he started, stomping his feet around you. Y/N started quietly praying for the safety of herself and the boys as she could feel the stops getting closer in for the way as a horse whined desperately trying to get free. Finally, he was able to get wrangled and calm down and you were hoisted out from underneath the horse by some locals.

She quickly went to a kneeling position to frantically check the boy for any cuts, bruises or anything else that cost in pain. However, he looked at you with a blank face, and could tell he was still in shock, but after quickly looking at his body, could tell he was not hurt in any way. Letting out several sighs of relief as you hugged the boy, Desperately, thankful that he's all right.

"William?! William where are you?"

She heard the desperate pleads of a mother looking for her son before she finally laid eyes on you with a young boy. She ran to Y/N with tears streaming down her face, and she got onto your level, taking the boy out of her hands and hugging him desperately and thankful. She then turned her attention to her and started sobbing. The boy, William, was her son who wanted off from her side while she was buying something. She continue to think Y/N through the sobbing.

"You really don't have to thank me, I didn't even realize what I was doing until he was in my arms-" you tried explaining

But she cut Y/N off " that doesn't matter. God knows what would've happened to him if you didn't step in and for that, I will forever be grateful, no matter what your reasons were."

When suddenly, a group of armored men approach the carriage, accompanied by an ash blonde boy, who was just angry about life. Who even was he?

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