•Chapter 36• Multiverse Villains

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"Would you two just shut up?" Flint snaps at them. He looks at MJ, Ned, and Y/n. "Where are we?" He asks them. "A wizards dungeon." MJ blurted out. Y/n nodded in agreement. "There's no way to sugarcoat that. That's what it is." She filled in. "You can keep your magic." Max tells her, "I want a taste of that new energy I felt." He added. He looks down at his hands again. The lights flickered briefly. "You don't have your powers," Y/n tells him. Max glares at her. He then started narrowing his eyes. Before Y/n could say anything else, her phone buzzed. "Are they there?" Peter asks her. "Yeah, they're here. A sand guy and some electric guy." She answers. "Great. Uh, I'm going to stay here a little bit. Fix things up so they don't blame it on me again." He tells her. "Just be safe. Okay?" She replied. "Yeah, of course." he smiles, "Hey, uh, thank you for helping me. And Ned and MJ too. Couldn't have done it without you guys." He admits. "I'll be sure to pass through the message." She chuckles, "Are you sure you'll be okay?" She asks him. "Yeah, yeah, I'll see you soon," Peter assures her. They end the phone call and Y/n turns back to her friends. "Hey, do you think this is like a scientist who turned into a tree?" Ned questions. "It's just a tree man," Dillon calls out to him.

The sun slowly started to rise. MJ lay with her head on the table, fast asleep. Y/n covers her over with her coat. "Maybe you should get some sleep as well." Ned yawns. Y/n smiles at him. "No, you take a nap. I'll stay with these guys." She tells him. She carefully approached the villains that were locked up. "Is everyone okay?" She asks politely. "I will be if you let us out," Flint tells her. "Yeah," Max agreed with him. "I'm just trying to be nice. It's been a long day." Y/n replied softly. "I feel like I know you," Max tells her. Y/n turns to him. "Maybe you do. In your universe." She started, "You're Max, right?" She added. He nodded silently. "Listen, Peter's going to help you. All of you. He's on your side." She assures them. "Peter Parker." Connors spat out his name. He hated the boy, but he didn't even know this Peter. "You remembered my name." Max mumbles. Y/n turns her attention back to him. "What? I mean, yeah... he just said it." She tells him, pointing at Curt Connors. She approaches Doc Ock again. "How are the tentacles?" She asks him. "Under your boy's control." He spat at her. "It's not his fault your tentacles absorbed the nanotech." She mutters. She inspects the mechanical arms. "Fascinating." She whispers. "What?" Octavius replied. "It's fascinating. This appears to be older technology. Yet, it was able to absorb the nanotechnology. They're designed to move within the suit, and nowhere else." She mumbles.

Octavius kept his eyes on the girl as she inspected him. "She's got quite the brain, doesn't she?" The lizard hissed beside her. Y/n doesn't look at him. "Got it from my dad." She answered. "Who's your father?" Octavius questions. Y/n shrugs. "Not important." She tells them. "Oh, well, it could be. Did you design this technology?" Connors asks her. "Partly. My dad did most of it. I perfected it." She shrugs. She now turns to look at the lizard. "So, lizard, huh?" She starts. He rolls his eyes at her. "I've always wondered, are you guys cold? Or warm? Like what do you feel?" She asks with a slightly sarcastic tone. Connors slams his hands against the barrier. "How about you come here and find out." He threatens her. "I think I'm gonna move on to the sandman now, maybe he has some magical dust to send you all off to sleep." She said. The lizard growls at her. Flint folded his arms over his chest. "So, you're a sandman?" She questions. "Don't even start," Flint tells her sternly. She holds up her hands in defense. "So you can't send them off to sleep?" She questions sarcastically. He just stands there and glares at her. "Why are you acting like this?" Octavius asks her. "Oh, well, I thought if I acted like my dad, you'd know who he was." She chuckles. Clearly, it wasn't funny to them. She sighs. "God, even Steve would've laughed at that." She mumbles.

Suddenly, Peter appeared behind them. His suit was clean now to Y/n's surprise. He came in with another man. MJ and Ned awakened from their slumber. "Hey, uh, I found him. This is Mister Osborn." Peter says. The man glared at him. "Hey, it's a doctor." He tells him. "Doctor." Peter corrected himself, "And these are my friends. Ned and MJ." He introduced them. Osborn narrowed his eyes at her. "Mary Jane?" He questions. "It's Michelle Jones, actually." She replied. "Fascinating." He says. He walks toward the other villains. Y/n comes into view. "Oh, yeah, Doctor Osborn. This is my girlfriend. Y/n." Peter introduced him. Norman eyes her up and down. "Y/n?" He repeated. "Hi, uh, it's nice to meet you, Doctor." She smiles politely. She carefully extends her hand for him to take. He kept looking at her as he shakes her hand. There was not really a reason to be scared of him. Otherwise, Peter would've locked him away already. "I feel like I know you," Osborn admitted. He steps past her when her eyes fall on Doc Ock. "Octavius?" He frowns. "Osborn?" The villain replied. "What-what happened to you?" Norman asks him. "What happened to me? You're the walking corpse." Octavius tells him. Norman's hopeful eyes faded away. "What do you mean?" He questions.

"You died, Norman. Years ago." Octavius tells him. Norman shakes his head and chuckles. "You're insane." He tells his old friend. "What are you talking about? He's standing right there. He's not -" Peter started. "Dead. They both died, fighting Spider-Man. It was all over the news. Green Goblin, impaled by the glider you flew around on. And a couple of years later, you, Doc Ock, drowned in the river with your machine." Flint cut off Peter. "That's nonsense! Spider-Man was trying to stop my fusion reactor, so I stopped him. I had him by the throat, and then I... then I was here." Octavius tells as realization slowly hits him. "Let me tell you, something. I was whupping Spider-Man's ass. He'll tell you. And then he caused an overload. I was stuck in the grid, absorbing data. I was about to turn into pure energy, and then... oh shit... I was about to die." Max says. The Lizard steps forward again. "Max, do you know? Do I die?" He asks. Suddenly, Doctor Strange appears. "Oh, great, you caught another one." He said. Before he knew it, Peter watched Osborn being sent into a cage to hold him like the others. He immediately started to freak out. Peter frowns at the man. His eyes fall on the box which held the spell inside.

"What's that?" Peter asks. "It's an ancient relic. The Macchina di Kadavus. I trapped your corrupted spell inside, once I finish the proper ritual, it'll reverse the spell and send these guys back to their universes." Strange answers. "And then what? We perish?" Octavius calls out to him. "Let me out of here. Peter!" Norman calls out to the boy. Y/n briefly looks at Peter. "He's scared." She says. Peter looks at Doctor Strange. "Strange, we can't send them back. Not yet. Some of these guys are gonna die." He tells him. "Parker, it's their fate." Strange replies. "Come on, Strange, have a heart," Peter said. "In the grand calculus of the multiverse, their sacrifice means infinitely more than their lives." Strange informs the boy. Norman calls out to him again. Peter felt bad as he looks at Stephen. He was about to perform the ritual when Peter grasps the box with his webs. He yanks it away from Strange, sends the wizard into one of the cells, and rushes outside. "Go, go!" Y/n and MJ yell at him. "Dude, what are you doing?!" Ned exclaims. Stephen groans and steps through the barrier. "This is why I never had kids." He sighs and goes after Peter.

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