Chapter 10 Fallen Angels

Start from the beginning

Andy's POV

Once the initial shock of the fact that me and CC are going to be fathers Lex came up to me from behind and wrapped her arms around me and says "hey, I'm tired I'm going to go to bed" I turn around and say "okay baby lets go" and I grab her by the hand and we head back to my bunk and we lay in my bed and I wrap my arms around her as I place my hand on my angels belly and say "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad, he's going to be a proper daddies boy" and we both laugh lex says "it could be a girl too". I laughed and said "no offense but I really don't think I could have a daughter, your someone's daughter and look at what I do to you every night haha" as I winked she lightly hits my chest and she says "babe behave we do have roommates" she laughed and then all of a sudden we heard "eww you guys come on" the rest of the bus said and then they burst into laughter and we ended up pretty much pulling an all nighter just talking and having a laugh I never let go of lex or her stomach because my son/daughter is right there and I'm literally the happiest man alive except CC haha.

3 months later

Me and the guys are all chilling back at my place when lex comes up to me and says "don't forget we have our ultrasound in a few hours baby" I just gently pull her next to me and put my hand on her growing bump and say "I can't wait to see our baby" she giggles and then goes and gets ready.
"Guys, I really need help, I want to ask lex to marry me but I don't want to do that on stage and plus we don't go on tour again for at least a year, so how do I do this?" I ask.

The day of the baby showers
Alexis pov

Omg today is the day that me and my bestie find out what we are having I'm also nervous but a good nervous I turn to look at my sleepy boy who's so peaceful and almost angelic but with a hint of devilish features. I get up and start having my morning routine of washing and brushing my teeth and I went downstairs and there was jas making everyone breakfast "how did you beat me down here" I said with a pout and she just laughed and said "I actually couldn't sleep the suspense it's killing me" I just laughed and agreed "I can't believe we both have the same due date" as we were talking both Andy and CC came down and I've never seen two guys change so quickly they both come running over to us and started rushing us to sit and relax we just laughed and did as we were told.
Once we had our breakfast me and Jas went and got ourselves ready for the big event, "omg Jas I'm so excited but at the same time I'm freaking out what if I'm going to be a terrible mother" I say panicking, she looks at me and says "lex, deep breathes, your going to be an amazing mother and your baby is going to be so blessed to have you and Andy as parents, now let's hurry as we only have a couple of hours to get to the event" and with that me and Jas quickly get ready and head downstairs to our men who look so gorgeous in what they're wearing.

Andy's pov
We got to the venue and so many people came and I'm way to excited so we walked to the front of the room me and lex on one side and jas and CC on the other with a big box Infront of us I looked at lex and said "you ready my angel" she looked at me and said "let's do this". We looked at jas and CC and they both nodded so here we go..... I gave lex the pleasure of opening the box. Jas did the same.

Me and CC both hold our girls close to us as they open their boxes at the same time and that's when a lot of pink balloons came out of our mine and Lex's box and a lot of blue balloons came out of Jas and CC's  box, I stand there in complete disbelief I, I can't believe i'm having a beautiful princess with my gorgeous girl and with that i decide that this is the perfect moment and i get down on one knee and open the small box i have in my hand, Lex then turns around and looks at me in complete shock, "Alexis, my angel my girl the love of my life the mother of our beautiful little girl, these last few years we have had have been up and down but no matter what you have always been my rock, my soulmate, my angel, my light in the darkness and with that i have something important to ask, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I ask just hoping she'll say yes. She looks at me with tears filling her eyes and with so much love in her face before saying, "Omg, yes yes yes yes Andy, of course i'll marry you" 


As Jas opens our box i notice loads of blue balloons come out... fuck I'm having a boy, wow this is surreal i can't believe i'm going to be having a beautiful baby boy with the love of my life Jas then looks at me snapping me out of my thoughts by saying "Are you okay baby, you've not said anything for a couple of minutes" I just then pick her up wrapping my arms around her spinning her around, "Everything is absolutely perfect, the love of my life is carrying our beautiful little boy" she then flashes the most captivating smile and i decide it's now or never. 
So with that i put Jas down and get down on one knee and pull out the ring i got her, "Jas from the moment i first ever laid eyes on you i couldn't imagine my life with anyone else and now your carrying our beautiful little boy and my life is finally complete, will you do me the biggest honour and marry me?" I ask as she looks at me... fuck this suspense is killing me, what if she says no, or doesn't like the ring, the then pulls me back from my thoughts by saying "Of course i'll marry you". I then smile immensely and I get up and put the ring on her finger and pick her up again wrapping my arms around her holding her close.

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