Ashley: ay que feo no

Jennifer: yeah but im over him now pero ,van a ir a la fiesta al rato?

Ashley: si aya te veo!

Jennifer: ah bueno pues adios!

Ashley waved as you walked off

you quickly made your way to the field before you were late since the day was already starting off so bad and it was only about to get worse

you saw el equipo varonil also on the field which only meant you were gonna train with them

sabrina: te tardaste ya casi empieza
Jennifer: es que me encontré a emilio con su novia

Sabrina immediaitly noticed your expression turn sad

Sabrina: ya Jennifer deja de pensar en el porfavor tienes a muchos otros que estan locos por ti
Jennifer: pero a el que yo amo no esta loco por mi
sabrina: tienes que intentar olvidarlo me lo prometes?
Jennifer: te lo prometo , muchas gracias por siempre estar conmigo sabrina
Sabrina: gracias a ti por ser la mejor amiga del mundo

Jardine: todos a calentar!
Villacampa: HOY VAMOS A

villacampa was always so loud compares to jardine

Villacampa: bueno pues los voy a poner en parejas de hombre y mujer

Katty: es enserio?
Leo: ay no porfavor villcampa no hagas eso

Villacampa: como ustedes dos andan diciendo que no ustedes van acer pareja pa que se les quite lo amargado

katty and leo rolled their eyes while everyone just laughed at them

Villacampa: sabrina con alejandro , Kevin con ashley,
y mmm emilio con Jennifer!

emilios eyes lit up for a second

you and sabrina quickly gave eachother a look well more like everyone did because almost everyone knew what happened

Jennifer: me puedes cambiar de pareja porfa?
Villacampa: no jennifer y no empeces

you just rolled your eyes

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

emilios pov

please put me with jennifer please please

I thought to myself

Villacampa: mmm emilio con Jennifer!

my eyes lit up but i was trying to not show my excitement

Jennifer me puedes cambiar de pareja porfa?

oh. I honestly felt my sadness take over again because nothings gonna be the same bewteen me and jennifer and this just proved it even more

end of emilios pov

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Its me or him | Emilio LaraWhere stories live. Discover now