Start from the beginning

Maybe you should mind that you didn't have any makeup on to cover your blemishes, or proper attire, but then Rafe had already seen what you looked like in the mornings. If he wanted you, he'd have to get used to the haggard bridge troll you turned into overnight.

Not that he thought so with the way his lidded eyes eat up the sight before him, throat bobbing as they rake up over your form until they rest at your eyes. "Hey." He greets, voice a little grated and hoarse. He wasn't exactly hideous either in his white polo and khaki shorts, his hair lightly swayed by the warm breeze of the afternoon. He looked relaxed and yet still so disgustingly handsome all the same. Ugh. 

"I wasn't expecting company." You arch a teasing brow and his smile grows into a jovial grin, a delightful sight if you do say so yourself. 

"What can I say? Last night wasn't enough for me. Wanted to see you again."

"Cash or credit?" You snort at his confused look, continuing. "Well, you paid so much for the first date - did you really think you'd get the next for free?" 

Something ticks away behind his eyes and you guessed he was trying to decide how best to answer though there was no denying the glint of amusement there. Instead of words at first, he chooses to lean forward from the frame of the door, his large torso dipping so his lips could find your ear, fingers skirting over your neck to cup it in place.

Your sharp inhale should shame you, but you know it only spurs him on so you don't regret it.

"I plan to pay in other ways." He mumbles, hot breath sinking into your flesh and right down to the need in your lower gut. You have to exhale slowly to cover the fact your skin was practically jumping in excitement, working to clear through the hazy fog in your mind so you could elicit some kind of response to fill the suddenly silent air.

"Well, I'm sure I could pencil you in somewhere." You sigh exaggeratedly, palm flattening against his chest as you take a step back. "However, I'm busy working right now. Perhaps later--- Oh. Or, you could just come right on in. Nevermind, I guess."

Your eyeroll could be heard and seen by the Gods as Rafe slinks past you and into the house despite your protests, grin still in place as he looks over the family photos your dad put up in the hall. They settle over one of you and your mom and his look softens, a hint of pity resting there that made your skin prickle. You hated pity. "I really do have to work..." You grumble, though it was a weak excuse.

Rafe glances up, a smirk beginning to roll up one side of those plush lips of his. "I won't distract you. I can wait for you to finish." He says it innocently enough but you'd been around him long enough now to notice the mischief he held in that gaze of his. 

You head back to the dining table in the kitchen anyway, flicking a crumb off of the tablecloth that hung low over the sides as if the leftover food was somehow going to make the perfectly clean and tidy room look like a hovel. Taking your seat once more, Rafe slips easily into the one across from you, arm slung over the back as he cocks his head and grins. 

Your laptop screen shines over your face and if you'd thought you could hide behind it, you were sorely mistaken for the giant that he was leered at you over the top of it. His teeth were sunk into his lower lip as he made it at least seem like he was trying not to grin, but your eyes were glaring into him and only making it more evident on his features.

"You're very distracting." You sigh, your focus once again drawn from your work. He leans forward on his elbows at that, hands clasped in front of him on the table as his lids narrow at you. "I could be more distracting." He quips, tone low and inviting to the lascivious part of you that was yearning for his touch. "If you want."

For Your Love // Rafe Cameron X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now