Then There was Two

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Cale lived.

He lived for awhile.

And after awhile he died.

So why the fuck is he staring at White Star.


The thing is

He can't it to feel any bad emotion to White Star.

"Cale? Why are you spacing out Mom and Dad are getting ready"


"Yes Ready for our 14th birthday!"

"Don't You remember Cale?"


"Come On"

"Right Coming Kai"

White Star-Kai held out his hand to Cale

And Cale took it.

For Kai...Kai was his Lovely Little Brother


Cale's family looked at Cale.

No Not just Cale. Cale's dying Body. Along with White Star.

Everyone was stunned.

Nobody could block Raons View

Everyone saw it.

But How?

Cale wasn't supposed to die.

Yet He did.

So how?

Barrow through his Last Shred of Humanity and the Will of Death.

Pulled him into reincarnation.


Because Barrow feared them.

He feared the Look in Cale's family then anything before.

He feared it.

For He knew as Soon as Cale stabbed himself.

He would no longer be a hero but instead a Prisoner.

So Barrow Did.

And Their Life started as Twins


Blue Spider Lily

The Flower that turned Muzan into the Demon King

And the Flower he has been looking for.

For Centuries he has searched.

But What the Doctor who used the Blue Spider Lily to treat Muzan when he was human.

Was that the Blue Spider Lily. Wasn't a Flower but instead a Humans blood.

It was from a friend of the Doctor who gave the blood to the Doctor from Himself as the friend knew the Doctor would be devestated that his patient died.

And the friend knew that thier blood could possibly help. So all the friend asked was to keep ot secret.

So the Doctor did.
And instead told his Patient Muzan that it was the Blue Spider Lily.

In Truth he wasn't lying.
The Blood had the same properties of the Blue Flower Lily but that wasn't all.

So What is the Blue Flower Lily that Muzan has been looking for.

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