maximum ride the musical

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Angel, the youngest Flock member, wants to go strawberry picking and the others agree to go. Just as they were about to pick strawberries, a helicopter full of Erasers shows up.

The Erasers kidnap Angel.

Now Angel's in a dog crate at the School.


I'm just a kid, and life is a nightmare

Back at the E-shaped house, Max, Fang, and Nudge decide to go rescue Angel.

″Hey, what about me and Iggy?″ Gazzy asks.

″Yeah, we're part of this Flock too.″ Iggy chimes in.

″Sorry, guys, but you can't go.″ Max says apologetically.

Iggy and Gazzy (duet):

Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did you say?

″We need you two to look after the house.″ Max says to Gazzy and Iggy.

″Let's go, you guys.″ Max says to Fang and Nudge. The three of them leave the E-shaped house.

Max, Fang, and Nudge are flying to Death Valley. Max sees someone in trouble from a distance while they are flying and she decides to go see what's wrong. She ends up getting shot and getting help from the girl that she saved, Ella Martinez.

After spending a period of recovery with Ella and her mom, Dr. Martinez, Max becomes friends with them.


I can tell that we

are going to be friends

Fang and Nudge have been waiting at Death Valley for a couple days and are worried about Angel and Max. Fang learns flying techniques from hawks.

Iggy and the Gasman make a bomb and blow up the Erasers and their helicopter.

Max, Iggy, and the Gasman join Fang and Nudge. Now they're going to save Angel.

Max, Iggy, the Gasman, Fang and Nudge steal a van, money, and a bank card. They drive the van to the School using their inborn sense of direction. Max gets frustrated because there aren't roads everywhere she thinks there will be roads.

They crash into a vehicle going sixty miles-per-hour. Erasers find them and take them to the School. Angel is still alive. When the others get there, Jeb has a talk with Max on how she is supposed to save the world.

When the whole Flock is getting transported in their cages, they break free and escape from the School with Angel. The Flock decides to go to New York, to find the Institute For Higher Living.


We're off to the Institute, the Institute For Higher Living

The Flock searches for the Institute, but they find nothing. The Gasman gets so frustrated that Max promises they can do anything he wants. He decides to go to a fancy restaurant, but the Flock has to leave because the cops got called.

The Flock flies out of the restaurant, and pictures get taken. They decide to lie low, so they go to a beach and relax for a while. Angel discovers that she has a new ability to breathe under water. Jeb finds the Flock, along with hundreds of Erasers, and Fang gets badly hurt. Max kisses him on the lips.

The Flock finally finds the Institute For Higher Living. It was hidden under a sewer. To get the information they need, the Flock has to find a password.

Nudge finds out that she can see who or what does where on what she touches. She has a worker type in the password and gave it to Max. It works. Max quickly prints the pages of information and shoves them into her pocket. The Flock rescues the other experiments in the lab and let them go free.

Now Max is about to fight Ari.


Get ready for the smack down!

Max fights Ari and kills him. Jeb screams ″you killed your own brother!″


Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did you say?

A/N: And that, my friends, is the end of this musical parody of The Angel Experiment.

Song list:

I'm just a kid- Simple Plan

Whatcha Say- Jason Derulo

We're Going To Be Friends- The White Stripes

We're off to the Institute, the Institute For Higher Living= A parody of we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz

Smack Down- Thousand Foot Krutch

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2013 ⏰

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