Part 7

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"you will kill me when you will catch me" yashu said and start running
Yashu was running in corridor and Neha was following her then yashu see krishna was coming from front she go to Krishna and hide behind him
"kanha save me from this ghost" yashu said looking at Neha
"YOU- govind don't come in middle move side" Neha said
"Relax sakhi what happened" krishna ask
"You know kanha Neha and --"yashu going to say but Neha give her angry look
"I will tell you later kanha first I have to save my life" yashu said and again start running and Neha start following her krishna just smile at them and start going from there on other side yashu running to save her life form Neha then yashu see karn is coming from front she get an idea and move side and Neha and karn bumped each other Neha going to fall when karn catch her and lost each other eyes

"you will kill me when you will catch me" yashu said and start runningYashu was running in corridor and Neha was following her then yashu see krishna was coming from front she go to Krishna and hide behind him"kanha save me from this ghost" yashu ...

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(Like this imagine they are Neha and karn)

Here yashu was smiling looking at them then yashu make fake cough and they come from there world and karn make Neha stand both are blushing there was full silence so yashu decide to Brock the it
"Thank you angraj saving my friend by the way I am yashaswini" yashu said
"Devi call me karn" karn said with smile

"If you want me to call you karn you also have to call me yashaswini or yashu" yashu said"Ok yashu" karn said yashu was so happy that first time she talked to her brother they three were talking when a dasi come and said maharaj call everyone in r...

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"If you want me to call you karn you also have to call me yashaswini or yashu" yashu said
"Ok yashu" karn said yashu was so happy that first time she talked to her brother they three were talking when a dasi come and said maharaj call everyone in raj sabha they all go to Raj sabha and after some time maharaj also came and guru dronacharya also came
"Pranam Maharaj" guru dronacharya said
"Pranam guru dronacharya what is the reason for your out of the blue arrival" dhritarashtra said
"I am here to ask for my Guru dakshina" guru dronacharya said
"Sure guru dron, whatever you say" dhritarashtra said
"I want all my student to defeat the king of Panchal, the one and only came drupad and get him at my feet" guru dronacharya said
Rajkumar Arjun on behalf of the Pandavas
"Sure Gurudev it's a our pleasure accepting your order" Arjun said
"Huh you Pandavas are just 5 in number we are 100 powerful Kauravas you Pandavas under our strength" duryodhan said with a smirk
"Duryodhan, I heard King drupad in a efficacious chakarvyuh maker and our Arjun can break it" Bheem said
"Bheem we have our karn for that you don't worry" duryodhan said
Now yashu and Neha smile hearing karn name
"Karn?? I will never let a sutputr take part in my war"guru dronacharya said
Kunti teared immediately and karn too become sad hearing this and duryodhan got a bit irritated but he couldn't do anything he just accepted his Gurudev disision as he had to show off his skill to the Pandavas
"Sorry mitr I can't help it" duryodhan said now guru dronacharya was about to leave but yashaswini stop him

"If you want me to call you karn you also have to call me yashaswini or yashu" yashu said"Ok yashu" karn said yashu was so happy that first time she talked to her brother they three were talking when a dasi come and said maharaj call everyone in r...

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"Tehriye! Guru dron." Yashu said immediately everybody attraction diverted towards yashu
"Pranam gurudev" Yash said
"Pranam devi aap........" Guru dronacharya said
"It doesn't matter who am I just give me one good reason why angraj karn should not participate in the war?" yashu said
"Devi, behave yourself don't forget you are speaking to great guru of the aryavart" ashwattham said
"Stop it ashwattham, she just ask me a question and being a guru it is my duty to solve people's doubts" guru dronacharya said
Karn was so moved by her as nobody has taken such a big step for him
"Devi he is not my student so he can't fulfill my Guru dakshina" guru dronacharya said
"Acha but this is not the reason you told earlier,you called him a sutputr" yashu said
"Just leave yashu, you don't have to speak for me I am okay with their decision" karn said
"But...... you have to speak for your right" yashu said
"It okay yashu" karn said
Yashu got a bit more frustrated as he simply accepted their decision without fighting for his right

That's for today I hope you like it please vote for me and there is big blast in next chapter

Radhe Radhe 🙏❤️

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