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A/N Hehe ,Matthew Lawrence would so pull off if he was thrown into the Elmstreet world. I tried looking for male OC Nightmare on Elmstreet but couldn't find anything. Bryce's story takes place in Dream Warriors my favorite.

A boy who desperately wants to sleep learns something sinister is at play. Especially when he sees a familiar face.

Bryce has that feeling inside that something wasn't right as he paid attention to his surroundings. The teenager couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. He saw his friends Joey and Will innocently asleep in their own beds oblivious to his predicament.

"Damm it! I must be asleep." He groaned in annoyance as stared at his physical body that was drooling on the pillow. Bryce stared at his astral projection hands ; they were clear like glass , transparent atmost - the confirmation his physical body was asleep and he was the projection.

Most people had trouble astral projecting because it took time and practice , well for Bryce it was a simple task ever since he was nine when he found about this strange ability of his.

It was fun during the first few years but ever since he was fourteen he just found this gift plainly annoying and sometimes dangerous because it came with risks ; astral projecting meant leaving his physical body open to whatever dangers he saw lurked in the world that couldn't be withnessed by the naked eye.

The sixteen year old appartion turned to his friends who even if they weren't asleep ,they wouldn't be able to see him anyway.

"Way to keep an eye on me Joey ," Bryce snorted , the ghostly figure watched as his friend slept sliently. Bryce smiled as Joey shifted in his bed - the guy looked so much cuter when he was asleep.

The appartion walked through the wall defying the law of physics. Knowing the drill , Bryce knew it was pointless to try and wake his physical body.

Bryce walked in the hallway completely unseen by the various nurses who were on shift.

"I wonder what Taryn is doing right about now." He hummed to himself as he saw the clock on the wall reading three in the morning.

Westin Hills Psychiatric Hospital was an institution in which teenagers like himself were confined in. Kids of various problems or Bryce's favorite ' messed up ' were brought here. From pyschotic to suicidal cases. But alot like his friends and himself were brought here by their folks to examine the nightmares they had.

Bryce shivered ; he didn't want to think about that , considering how much sleep he had been losing because of his nightmares - the insomina had increased since his foster brought him here.

The appartion looked at one of the rooms whose light was on and he knew it was probably Jeniffer watching whatever show was on at three in the fucking morning.He closed his eyes and materlized himself into Taryn's room.

Bryce scoffed at what he found , "you lying bitch." He shook his head as he watched his friend take a smoke. When he asked her if she still had cigarettes she said she hadn't.

"I'm getting back at you Taryn." The girl who couldn't him just contuined taking a smoke much to his amusement.

"Not this ," Bryce groaned in annoyance as his astral form began vibrating , after the years of self practice , he knew whenever his astral body vibrated it was for three reasons ; One , his body was waking up , two his physical body was in danger and three he was being pulled into a dream vision . But seeing his bad luck , Bryce could bet it was options number 2 and 3.

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