The Confession Tree (Edited)

Start from the beginning


It was cold out tonight. But that was to be expected, it was Winter, after all. So then why? Why was Sergio outside? Instead of the comfort and warmth of his home. Well, that was because of the moon. Sergio sat atop a grassy hill, the green blades scratching at his exposed ankles. Telescope in hand, Sergio angled it upwards, towards the full moon. It already looked big from afar, but seeing it through the lens of a telescope, it was as if the moon was inches away from Sergio's face, shining in all its glory.

There were no clouds to shield away the moon, unlike most nights during Winter. So, when Sergio saw a cloudless sky, he had to grasp this perfect opportunity. Up close, the moon shone a bright blue tint, the craters in it looking like they were painted on by a careful hand. Sergio gaped up at it, did such an amazing sight deserve the blurry eyes of Sergio? He didn't know, but he didn't care either. A breeze pushed past the trees surrounding Sergio, creating a rustling sound when their branches brushed together. The grass moved, tickling Sergio's ankles. The boy shivered, regretting not bringing a jacket with him. All he had was jeans and a thin sweater, a scarf wrapped around his neck loosely, moving up and brushing his nose when a breeze pushed past. Sergio was quick to get over the cold, looking back into his telescope, gazing over the moon and the stars that surrounded it.

Speaking of the stars, there were so many of them! Even brighter than the moon when in a cluster. Sergio was certain that if the moon were to suddenly disappear, the stars would make up for the missing light. Everything seemed so close, even without the telescope, although they were light-years away. It was fascinating, Sergio smiled.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" A sudden voice broke the comfortable silence, startling Sergio in his session of gazing. He looked back to where the voice originated from. It was a girl. She wore a flowing white dress with pink flowers, Sergio wondered how she wasn't shivering. Or maybe she was, and was just really good at hiding it.

Not wanting to make things awkward, Sergio responded to the girl. "It is." The mysterious girl smiled and walked to Sergio, placing herself next to him, sitting on her knees and fluffing out her dress, hiding her knees.

"I always like to come out here and just stare at the sky, sometimes even until the sun starts peaking its way through the tips of the mountains." She said, tilting her head upward, her green eyes perfectly matched up with the moon's surface.

Another breeze emerged from behind the pair, more rustling sounds coming from the trees and bushes. The girl smiled, her long blond hair moving in the direction of the wind. Sergio watched her, she was beautiful.

"Do you come out here often?" Sergio asked her once the zephyr subdued. She hummed and nodded her head. "Every night," She answered.

"That's impressive, especially in this cold," Sergio commented, turning his gaze to the sky like the girl.

"I'm Anya." The girl suddenly said. Anya. The name fit her well.

"I'm Sergio. It's nice to meet you," Sergio said, turning his head back to Anya, who did the same for him.

"Likewise," Anya responded, her forest colored eyes looking kindly into his bland, dull brown ones. The two stared at each other for a moment. But it only lasted a moment before something buzzed in Sergio's pocket, a musical tune emitted from the device. Sergio quickly looked down, fishing through his pocket to get out his phone. He had forgotten he'd brought it with him. Checking the caller ID, Sergio saw that it was his Mom who was calling him. Why would she be calling him this late?

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