“It’s not,” Dustin argued in indignation. “Andrew believes me.”

“He believes everything,” Steve waved him off simply.

“I didn’t believe you could win back Charlie,” Andrew stepped in, slightly offended.

Steve sucked in his lips, not amused, pointing the flashlight in Andrew’s eyes now. The darker-haired boy only blinked, his vision filled with stars.

“It’s not a prank,” Dustin huffed, growing annoyed at the lack of help he was being given.

“Yeah, now stop blinding me,” Andrew complained, shoving Steve’s hand down to his side.

Steve set his lips in a stiff line, thinking for a moment before shaking his head like he couldn’t even believe he was falling for this. “You got a key for this thing?”

Dustin passed over the key to the storm shelter, Steve leaning down to the lock, turning it to open it up

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Dustin passed over the key to the storm shelter, Steve leaning down to the lock, turning it to open it up. He flung open one before pushing up the other one. Andrew crept lower, looking over Steve’s shoulder as he pointed his flashlight down into the overwhelming darkness warily, just waiting for some sort of creature to come flying up at them like out of some horror movie. However, that expectation fell flat as there was only a concrete basement below them.

Steve felt Andrew’s breath on his neck, frowning and looking up. He snatched the flashlight from the boy’s hands, ushering him backwards a little so he had some space. “Let me see that.”

“He must be further down there,” Dustin reasoned, seeing that the empty-looking storm shelter probably didn’t look too good for his story. While he knew what the truth was, Steve seemed to need some convincing. Andrew looked happy to go along with anything. “I’ll stay up here in case he tries to… escape.”

Andrew and Steve turned their heads towards the boy, already seeing him starting to back away. They didn’t look at all amused at what that meant for them. Steve took a breath before tightening his grip on his bat, standing upright as he took a careful step down the first two steps into the storm shelter. Upon realizing he was entering completely, he turned his head to see Andrew still at ground-level.

“What the hell are you doing?” Steve hissed up at him, gesturing for him to follow.

“I’m not going down there,” Andrew looked at him as if he was crazy. “You have a bat to fight off whatever’s in there. I don’t have a weapon.”

“Then get a… a stick or something, I don’t know.”

“A stick!?”

“Dude, just grab a stick and get down here!”

“Jesus. Alright, alright. Let me get a stick.”

After a quick brush through the dirt, Andrew found a pretty heavy-looking stick. He hurried back over, muttering a quick prayer under his breath before following Steve into the depths of the storm shelter. Steve checked behind him to make sure he wasn’t alone this time and then headed down to the basement’s cement flooring. Andrew held the stick up like it was bat Steve was holding, but he was sure if he hit it against anything thicker than a cent, it’d snap.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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