2 | 𝕞𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟

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I woke up the next morning to the feeling of my body shaking. "Get up, El. We're about to check out." my older sister said softly as she gently shook me awake. I groaned and got up. It was still dark outside but a little light shone into the window as a sliver of sunlight spread throughout the room. A few minutes later we were all on the elevator to the lobby. We packed the car up again and went back inside to the kitchen area for breakfast. My parents got coffee and both my sister and i got waffles. By 5:30am we hit the road, silently, as everyone was still exhausted from the lack of sleep and the amount of driving from yesterday.  

With much success, we managed to arrive in Boston, Massachusetts an hour earlier than our original ETA. With exactly 4 gas/bathroom stops, 2 food stops, and a stop because we got lost, we still completed our day and a half drive. "Wow." i said in awe as i stared out the window as we had arrived in our new neighborhood. Huge houses with big yards, each house seemingly having a pool of their own, and a community park just around the corner. "Well girls. Welcome home." my dad said as we pulled into our driveway. "Oh honey, its beautiful!" mom said as we all made our way up the porch stairs. "You ready?" dad asked with his right hand on the handle of the gorgeous front door. The rest of us nodded our heads and my dad slowly opened a new chapter of our life. 

The stairs, the kitchen, dining room, living room, and everything about this house was a beautiful masterpiece. Marble countertops in the kitchen added a fancy look to the house. I ran upstairs and made my way into each room, observing the choices of which one would become mine. I stepped into a well-lit room with many windows. "IVE GOT MY ROOM!" i screamed to my family who were still admiring the first floor. I had already started imagining what it would look like when i had all my things in here. But i can only start unpacking what i have with me and be forced to wait two days for the moving truck to arrive.

Mom brought up an inflatable mattress for me, and made the bed. I was busy opening all my luggage and placing them openly on the floor. Its the best i can do for a closet right now. It was already 8:00pm by the time we were eating the pizza my dad ordered for dinner. I finished eating and placed my plate in the sink. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." i said and gave a slight wave to my parents and sister. "Goodnight baby. We love you." my mom said as she got up to give me a quick hug. I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas. Exhausted, i fell right asleep.

The next morning i awoke to the sight of the sun, the sound of morning doves, and the smell of pancakes. I shot up and ran downstairs. "I smell pancakes!" i said in a panic. "Nope. Waffles!" Taylor said with a smile. "Oh." i said. I wasn't disappointed, i mean, pancakes and waffles are technically the same if you think about it. I inhaled the food and went back upstairs to get dressed and put my makeup on. I braided my hair and put my Louisiana state shirt that i got when i visited my grandparents, some jean shorts and a belt, and my white sneakers.

 I braided my hair and put my Louisiana state shirt that i got when i visited my grandparents, some jean shorts and a belt, and my white sneakers

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I went back downstairs and told my mom i was going to the park. I was actually going to explore the rest of the city. For a few hours, i walked around, bought a few things, and then realized i'm out of small rectangle green paper. Completely out. Like, dust wallet broke. I had an idea and continued to walk until i came to a Starbucks. I entered the café and walked up to the counter. "Hi, what can i get for you today?" a barista asked me. "Oh, i'm looking for a job. Are there any open applications?" i asked nervously. "Hmm. Let me go check. I'll be right back" he said as he walked to the back. I wait there for a few minutes and the barista came back. "Here you are. I'll be looking forward to seeing you around." he said and winked at me as he turned around to take more orders. 

I walked home with the job application in hand. Exited to fill it out when i get home. As i made my way back into my neighborhood, i noticed a few boys who seemed around my age playing basketball together. They all looked the exact same... Triplets maybe? I continued walking until i made it to my front door. I went inside, but was stopped by Taylor. "Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be back hours ago! Mom and dad were this close to calling the police for you!" she said as she held her pointer finger and her thumb close together. "Tay, just chill out. I walked around the city for a while, got some things and a job application." i said holding the piece of paper up to her face. "Well you better explain yourself to our mother because she's pissed." she said and walked away.


lmk what u think so far!

btw here's what the house and Eliana's room looks like:

btw here's what the house and Eliana's room looks like:

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