Chapter 22: Erebor

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The Orc smiled and jumped off his Warg before approaching Thorin with a blade in his hand. He stopped beside the helpless Dwarf and positioned his blade right in front of Thorin's neck. As he slowly brought the blade back up, readying it to slice Thorin's head off, Thorin tried to grab my father's sword, but it was too far away.

The moment before the Orc could have taken Thorin's life, Bilbo leaped onto the Orc, knocking him down. As the Orc rolled over so he was atop of the Hobbit, Bilbo stabbed him in the shoulder before rolling atop of the monster and stabbing him a few times in the stomach until the Orc died.

Bilbo clumsily stood back up and stood in front of Thorin, preparing himself to protect the unconscious Dwarf. Bilbo swung his blade at the pale Orc, trying to threaten him, but of course the Hobbit wasn't a threat to the giant Orc.

"Kill him." Azog spoke.

Three Orcs on Wargs began to slowly walk closer and closer to Bilbo, but we used that moment to attack our enemy. While all this was going on, everyone who was able to get out of the tree did. And in the name of our leader, we fought.


I ran to the closest Warg I could and used all the strength I had left to slice the creature's leg. The moment the Warg's front legs gave out, I leaped on its lowered head and charged its rider. This Orc couldn't get his weapon up fast enough before I sliced his neck. Keeping my balance as the Warg I stood upon moved, I turned around drove my blade through the dog's skull, killing him instantly.

I flipped off the dead creature and saw two large Orcs charging at me. Baring my teeth at them, I raised my blade and waited for them to get closer. But a moment later, the threat was gone for a very familiar Warg jumped on the backs of my attackers and had begun to tear the flesh and bones beneath its claws.

"Ranger!" I cheered. "You found us!"

Ranger looked up at me and barked as I sprinted toward my furry companion. He leaned his head down so I could mount him. I almost didn't have enough time to sit down properly before Ranger began charging other Orcs and Wargs. But I held on, preparing my weapon once more, and together we helped protect our companions.


The moment I saw Crisko running toward me, I reached out my arm and grabbed his fur as he ran by, letting him carry me a short distance before I mounted him properly and continued fighting.

After I slashed a Warg across the face, killing it, I used my other hand to stroke Crisko's head. "I'm glad you're here, my friend."

I knew he heard me because, instead of growling at anything threatening, he barked happily before going back to baring his teeth at his fellow Wargs. I continued protecting my Dwarvish friends, but something caught my eye. A group of giant eagles was flying toward us.

"The Eagles are here!" I shouted.

The giant birds aided in our fight by grabbing Wargs and Orcs before throwing them off the cliff. They pushed trees onto our enemies and they even used the wind under their wings to direct the fire onto the hounds. I watched with a grin as the hostile creatures were being thrown off the cliff and it seemed like the Eagles knew that a few of the Wargs were friends, due to the fact that Crulfa and I hadn't been thrown off the cliff by the Eagles just yet.

I watched as one Eagle used his giant talons to gently pick up Thorin who was still unconscious. I heard Azog roar as he watched his enemy be carried to safety.

Once most of the Wargs and Orcs were dead, the Eagles began to save us. I saw one Eagle pick up Bilbo and drop him onto the back of another. Because I was focused on this, I didn't notice the Eagle behind me. It grabbed and lifted me right off Crisko before dropping me onto another's back. This Eagle was also carrying my daughters who were picked up by it shortly before me.

As we flew away, my daughters and I desperately searched for our companions. We then noticed two different Eagles carrying them with their talons. We were also glad to see everyone in the company not far from us on Eagles of their own.

The giant birds carried us above the clouds, and I could tell that my daughters were enjoying the view and the feeling of the cool wind blowing through their hair. I was enjoying it too, but my concern was with Thorin. And I wasn't the only one worried about him.

"Thorin!" I heard Fili yell, hoping that he would get an answer from his uncle. But none could be seen nor heard.

The Eagles took us to a vast, beautiful, green valley with an exceptionally large stone pillar standing in the middle of it. One by one, they placed us atop of it and once we could we rushed to see if Thorin was alright.

Crulfa jumped off our Eagle and I carried Magilta, and that's when I saw Gandalf slowly wave his hand across Thorin's face, waking him up. Fili rushed up and stood next to me, looking worried for his uncle.

When the Dwarf gained focus, he asked, "The Halfling?"

"It's alright." Gandalf said. "Bilbo is here. He's quite safe."

Dwalin and Kili helped Thorin to his feet and when he was up, he looked at Bilbo and said in a harsh tone, "You!" Everyone was taken back by this, but no one said anything. We let Thorin continue. "What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden?" He questioned as he stepped closer to Bilbo. "That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us?" Bilbo just looked at the ground, disappointed. "I have never been so wrong..." Thorin said as he pulled Bilbo into a hug. "in all my life."

This action made some of the Dwarves cheer and others grin while I lightly heartedly laughed with my daughters.

When Thorin backed away from the Hobbit, he told him, "I am sorry I doubted you."

"No, I would have doubted me too." Bilbo responded. "I'm not a hero... or a warrior." Bilbo glanced at Gandalf and continued, "Not even a burglar." This comment made everyone chuckle.

We all watched as the Eagles gracefully flew away into the sky.

"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked.

We all turned around and walked closer to the edge of the rock and in the far distance, stood the lonely mountain. "Erebor..." Gandalf announced. "the Lonely Mountain. The last of the great Dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth."

"Our home." Thorin spoke.

"A raven." Oin said when we all heard the light chirping of a bird as it flew past us. "The birds are returning to the mountain."

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf corrected.

Thorin watched as the bird flew toward the Lonely Mountain before saying, "But we'll take it as a sign. A good omen."

"You're right." Bilbo agreed. "I do believe the worst is behind us."

As we all gazed at the sight, I felt something grab my hand. My first assumption would be Crulfa, but the hand that grabbed mine was far too big. My smile grew wider as I turned my head to look at the blonde Dwarf who had his eyes fixed on the sight before us; a grin planted on his lips.

I looked back ahead as I linked my fingers with his and lightly squeezed his hand. He did this action back right before I felt Magilta rest her head on my shoulder and Crulfa lean against my legs. I rested my head on Magilta's and my second hand on Crulfa's shoulder. I took a deep breath of clean, crisp air and sighed. This moment was perfect. Maybe the worst WAS really behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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