Hold on to me...

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Noah's point of view.

I have a history of mental health issues at times I get into a bad place and I felt like I was falling into the area and I was scared Owen knew about my history but he had never been my boyfriend when I went into that place he was always there for me but this time I didn't know how I was feeling I usually know how I am feeling and can express how I am feeling but at this moment I had no idea why I had fallen into this place I was happy. Why was I falling into the deep dive of sadness when I was so happy with where I was in life?

Monday morning back at school.

Owen's point of view.

When I picked up Noah for school this morning he seemed off sad and I worried about him he had a history of Mental health issues and he would fall into severe depressive episodes and sometimes he would get to this place that I didn't know how to help, he was being the type of quite when I picked him up he didn't even kiss me he always does that when he gets in the car and the morning and starts begging me for coffee he barely said anything to me. During History, he didn't really speak today again which was odd because History was one of his favorite subjects. 


Owen: Baby.

Noah: Mhm?

Owen: Are you okay do you want to talk about it?

Noah: No.

Owen: Do you want to hang out after school?

Noah: Cuddles.

Owen: You want to cuddle after school?

Noah: Mhm.

Owen: Anything else you want to do?

Noah: Just cuddles.

Owen: Okay my love you got it.

Noah's point of view.

I loved that Owen knew that something was about me and that he asked me what he could to help me feel better really at this time I didn't know what was hurting me or why I was feeling this way I was feeling but pushing Owen away wasn't an option he loved me he wanted to protect me and make sure that nothing bad happened to me ever. Owen was something else he was adorable he was wanting to help me.


Owen: My house or yours?

Noah: Sweatshirt. 

Owen:  You want my sweatshirt?

Noah: Mhm.

Owen: it's in the back set babe.

Noah: Your house.

Owen: Okay I will text your mom.

Noah: Okay.

Owen's point of view. 

Noah needed someone to be there for him and provide comfort through cuddling. I was happy to offer my support, even if it meant he would stay over and we would go to school together the next day. It was difficult to see him struggling with his mental health and feeling sad, but I hoped that being there for him would help him overcome this rough patch.

Owen house. 

Noah's point of view.

When we got to Owen's house I went straight to his room and lay down in his bed and waited till he came to cuddle me. Sometimes I just needed my boyfriend in order to feel better and today one of those days as I said before I have a bad history with Mental health issues and I get into a place sometimes that I find is hard to get out of, and Owen is often there to help me get through it and I really appreciate him for constantly being there for me I don't know what I would do without him.

The next day.

Owen: Babe wake up it's time for school!

Noah: I don't want to.

Owen: Still not feeling better?

Noah: I feel better I just don't want to go to school.

Owen: That's very valid baby but we have to its the law.

Noah: Well the law sucks!

Owen: You know where my Sweatshirts and t-shirts are go ahead grab what you want.

Noah: Thanks baby, Coffee?

Owen: Don't worry I know you need your coffee.

Noah: Did I ever tell you how much I love you?

Owen: Often baby.

Noah: Well I am going to tell you again I love you, and thank you for last night and just constantly know what I need to feel good!

Owen: That's what I am here for babe.

Noah: and that's why I love you.

Owen kisses Noah's lips.

Owen: I love you too baby, I will always be here for you. 

Two weeks later.

Owen's point of view.

Noah's episode occurred a few weeks ago, but since then, he has been doing much better. He appears to be in a better mood, and I am pleased with this development. I always enjoy seeing Noah happy because it means we can both be content and have a healthy relationship. It's important for us to be on the same page and have an understanding of each other, which strengthens our bond.

Noah's point of view.

The thing with Depression is sometimes I can put on fake smile and pretend to be happy but in reality, when I am home alone I have my headphones in and just kind of in my feels trying to hide the fact that I am actually in pain. Another thing about depression is that you feel like a burden sometimes and I hate making Owen feel like he has to constantly watch me and ask me if I am okay, I have a history of cutting myself and he knows that and when I start wearing long sleeves he gets worried and asks to see my wrist, he thinks I stopped doing that years ago but I started recently again I tried to be strong but I just, its an urge to cut and feel something that I can't really explain. 

Owen's point of view.

I thought Noah was doing better but he still didn't fully seem like himself in which I was worried about because of his history of self-harming, I never wanted to see him hurt and I never wanted to lose him because I truly cared about him and I wanted to do everything in my power to help him get better but I couldn't help him if he didn't want to help himself and that thing I could think of was going to his mom and dad and telling them maybe it could help but I knew he was mad at me if I told them but I wanted him to get better.

Friday afternoon Noah was out with some of his other friends Owen went over to talk to Sandra and Spencer.

Sandra: Hey sweetie what's going on Noah's not home.

Owen: I know I wanted to talk you and Spencer about something important.

Sandra: Of course let me go grab Spencer from his office.

They both come upstairs from the basement.

Spencer: Hey buddy what's going on?

Owen: I am really worried about Noah I think he might be cutting himself again and his episodes have been really bad recently and there is only so much that I can do to help him.

 Continued in the next chapter

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