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       Now, where do I began? I'm the prince of Elfhame I supose, my dad is the High King of Elfhame. And I have 12 siblings, thats really all I know about myself. I mainly spend my time at reveals drinking, or being the "cruel prince" everyone views me as. I go to school with my friends, some other Folk, and two dumb mortals. They are apparently twin sisters, one is named Taryn and the other is Jude. In my opion they are just a waste of air, they are like worms. Plus, in Faerie, mortals are our servants. But sometimes, I feel like the one mortal, Jude. Is different. Also I forgot my name, hi, my name is Cardan Greenbriar.

Chatper One.

     I lounge on my bed reading a book that was given to me by a Folk. It's a human book called 'Alice in Wonderland', my tail winds around my calf under my pants. I hear my older brother Balekin yelling at one of our mortal servents. I roll my eyes as I turn another page, I pick up my glass of wine and drink it. I hear a knock at the giant door of Hallow Hall, whoever is here must've entered the mansion because I hear footsteps. The footsteps stop at my door, the door opens and Locke enters.

   "Well hello." I say while putting down my book.

    "Cardan." Locke says, "look, I did something."

     "What is it?" I ask while chugging the rest of my wine.

     "I made out with Nicasia, me and her?" Locke says, I turn to look at him. I take a deep breath before standing up.

    "Why?" I ask while trying to stay calm and cool headed.

     "Well, I just thought she was pretty and I've liked her for a bit. And you have everything." Locke says, I snort and shake my head.

    "Get the fuck out." I say while pointing to the door, "your lucky I don't just throw you out."

    "Okay, okay, I understand you anger. I will leave, see you tomorrow." He says while leaving, I sit down on my bed.

     "Fuckk." I groan while looking at my empty glass. "I need more wine."

~Next Day~

    I sit in the grass with Valerian, Nicasia and Locke. A few other Folk sit in the grass, and then the two flithy mortals sit together a few feet away from me. I can't help but look over at them every few seconds, they may be identical but they are polar oposiest. Jude is more into fighting and becoming a knight, while Taryn is more into being a lady and being proper. They are both disguting. But yet one of them always catches my eye, she stands out from the other one.

    "Sir Greenbriar, please tell me what each star constaliation froms." Baphen asks.

    "No thanks." I say while shaking my heas.

    Nicasia giggles and Valerian laughs, I roll my eyes. I hear Jude mutter something to her sister. "I don't understand why he ever shows up, he shows up either drunk or barely sober and does nothing." Jude mutters, I sigh and shake my head. Why would I care on what some stupid mortald think?

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