Misunderstood - Easy Company Imagine

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I am sat in the truck with other boys, heading somewhere I don't even know.

It is quite uncomfortable, you know, because every Once in a while we hit a rock and that Is causing everything including me to slightly jump up.

I leanee my head on Martin's shoulder and looked onto the ground with helmet on my lap. Ever since Bastogne i became suspicially silent, which led to the fact that boys were worried, i even heard that Dick wanted to give me time and move me out of the Company to try And get some rest. I was Always talkative person, And i was Always filled with joy And sometimes got angry. But it somehow vanished, i changed, i don't know why, but i just don't feel in my skin good anymore. It feels like Its not me. Even the anger left me and i stopped fighting for myself with words.

Everyone tried to help me out, but nothing changed. I stopped giving others my opinion And i followed orders without any words like i usually did. I stopped laughing at dumb things, i stopped joking around, i even stopped hanging out with George or Liebgott. I just completely changed And no one knew why. But the worst thing was that i didn't know why as well. It was like on a snap of fingers. I changed from a second on a completely different person, And no one knew why And how.

“Hey, guys!” I heard a voice and softly turned on the side of the truck. Johny put Down his arm that was around my shoulder, So i could completely turn at the man.

David Webster.

I never thought that i could see this man again in my life. I furrowed my eyebrows and then put my head back on Johny's shoulder.

“Could you help me?” He asked with a happy smile on his face And everyone stared at him.

“Report yourself in the second platoon.” Bull told him and looked at me. I gave him a fast look before looking at my hands.

I didn't hear Webster say anything else and our truck kept wiggling on the graveled And broken path.


When we arriwed, i was the first to hop off the vehicle, with Lip after me. I instantly put on my helmet and took my rifle before walking with the other ones through the big gate. I saw David talk to Don And then a big Bang came. I crouched a bit, before walking into the building to set my things down.

“Hey, Y/n!” i heard a voice And turned around.

“Hey.” i said when i saw David entering the room.

“How Are you?” i rolled my eyes at him.

“Don't even ask.” I answered and He set his bag down, before sitting infront of me on the armchair, looking around himself.

“Why Is everyone So off And grumpy? Aren't they happy that Icame back? I thought that...”

“Leave me alone, Webster.”

“What... Now? I just came to see how's my favorite girl doing!” He chuckled And waved his hands a little bit in innocence.

“I said leave me alone.” i said coldly, putting the ammunition in my rifle.

“Y/n/n, come on, i just thought that-”

“And I said leave me the fuck alone!” I screamed at him. I looked sharply in his eyes before storming out of the building.

I walked out with my hands in pockets when a tear escaped my eye. I sobbed and sat down on a place where someone could not that easily find me. I sniffed and hugged my knees. I wiped my face with wrist but continued crying. I miss Bill, i miss Toye, Skip, Penkala. It hurts So Fucking much.

“Y/n? Sweetie...”
“I want to stay with the boys, And Y/n, sir. I don't care 'bout my arm”
“Do you want to pull a prank on Malarky with me?”
“Well they had a point, you're an idiot.”
“You know, I'm gonna take you all on a trip when we get out of this shit.”
“Y/n! Over there!!! Stay down!”
“We found his body, if you want to see him for the last time...”
“I promise I'll find you Once this all ends.”
“And don't forget, I'm always with you, I'm your Guardian Angel-”

And that's when i lost it, i started to tremble and i cried hardly due to the voices in my head.

“Y/n?!” I heard someone's voice and then arms around me. They rubbed my back and kissed my head.

“Y/n, shhh...” I looked up and saw Liebgott hold me in his arms. I cuddled my head in his chest And cried.

“I-I can't-” i started Once i calmed down a little.

“I c-can't d-do it without S-Skip And others...” I choked out And wrapped myself around Joe tightly.

“You have to, Y/n...” He whispered and stroked my hair with his free hand. I shook my head.

“I miss t-them So much Joey- they helped me Stand on my legs the whole t-time. Now i feel So weak a-and u-useless!” i said and he cupped my cheek.

“Y/n, darling, i know it hurts i miss these boys too, but don't you ever feel like you don't belong here. You know we love you, right? And we love you just the way you are. Do you know who saved us during Carentan? You. Do you know who helped me when i got shot in Normandy? You. Do you know who told us what to do when Dike was shitting his pants, letting us die and cry in agony? Fucking you, Y/n! You did So much! You helped us! You saved us! We visit you when we need a hug! You protect us! And that's why we'd take the bullet for you! You're ours, Y/n/n, And we're yours...” He finished and kissed my forehead. I nodded before smiling And pulling Joe into a hug.

I heard cheers And i looked up, widening my eyes at the sight of the whole Easy watching me.

“We missed that smile, love.” I heard Lip speak out proudly And i laughed, for the first time since Bastogne showing pure Joy to the boys.

From this day, to the ending of the world. We in it, shall be remmembered, we few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers. To whoever he sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother.

After the war, Y/n became an important person for the boys like in  the war. They sent her letters everytime they could And called with her everyday, to check up on her. Even Liebgott, who has never been on some meeting with the others And never contacted anyone, wrote to Y/n And even hanged out with her.

She had a role in Stephen's Ambrose book And then in Spielberg's mini war series. She was a legend And died with her fellow ones by her side, She never ever asked for more.


“I remember every single man from the Easy, i was always by their side And they protected me. We were talking when we met again in the casting of Band of Brothers, where we were making the series, And how good it felt to see my friends. I really cried when i heard the men talk at the end of the 10th part, Major Winters admmited that every man told about me that i always saved them with my smile, that they loved to make me laugh, And the thing that really hurt me inside Is that apparently every member of the squad was worried and sad when they saw me in the bad state after the longing of Bastogne. I walked with these men on the same path, i was where they were, And only one day after the war ended it had suddenly hit me, And I honestly had a mental breakdown that I could not see these boys ever again in my life. And then the thought that I may live as a woman longer them stabbed me in my heart. The war ended, sure it did, but the friendships we made through the three years were something unbelieveable. I love them, And i love the boys that are no longer here with us. Oh, how i miss the goofy Luz and my best friend Skip Muck, And i remember how shaken i was when Eugene Roe told me that Bill Guarnere with Joe Toye lost their legs. It was really a pleasure for me to meet these boys. And I remmember that none of us thought that the war would be this rough.”

-Y/n Y/l/n, the making of the famous HBO miniseries Band of Brothers.

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