the meeting

959 22 19

Y/n woke up early at like 10:00am after like 30 minutes of sleep after staring at femboys all night on tiktok like a creep.
He got up ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and did his hair, he then threw on his favorite outfit. He then checked his phone. "Shit I'm late for work." He grabbed his wallet and car keys and rushed outside and into his car. He was on his way to work when suddenly he noticed he was low on gas. He pulled into a gas station and began to pump the gas into the car.

When suddenly he stumbled across a little box the sign read 'free kittens'. He wasn't that interested until he saw a cute little C/C (cat color) one. Do you pick it up??
Yes or No. Suddenly you hear some British guy yelling shit. "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT BACK OF YOU COCKSUCKERS"
'He sounds like a boy kisser' you thought to yourself. Suddenly someone fly's into you causing you to go flying into a wall and cry out in pain. "Well that wasn't to polite now was it." You hear someone say in a heavy British accent.

"close friends" Hobie brown x male reader. Where stories live. Discover now