2. the accident (prologue)

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"Bye, Ivyyyy!" I call out, stepping into my sleek white jeep

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"Bye, Ivyyyy!" I call out, stepping into my sleek white jeep. My basketball bag slung over my shoulder.

"See you tomorrow, Maddieeee!" Ivy's voice echoes from her car.

I smoothly reverse from my parking spot, the speakers belting out my favorite tay tay tune.

"I hear the preachers say speak now or forever hold your peace."

"There's the silence, there's my last chance."

"I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me."

"Horrified looks from everyone in the room ."

"But i'm only looking at you."

Suddenly, my Taylor Swift jam is rudely interrupted by a call from my older brother, Theo.

"Hey, Theo. What's up?" I ask, slightly annoyed to be pulled away from my impromptu car concert.

"Heyyy, MJ. Can you pleaseeee pick me upppp?" I can hear the unmistakable slur of drunkenness in his voice.

"Theo, are you drunk?" Concern seeps into my words.

"Nooooooo, meeeee never," he stammers. I can practically smell the tequila on his breath through the phone.

"Where are you?" I inquire, worry evident in my voice. Theo rarely drinks, always fearing it could jeopardize his future basketball career. He dreams of achieving the same success I'm gonna have.

"haydenshouseithink, I don't really know," his words slurring together. "I'm on my way. Just try not to do anything stupid," I say, increasing my speed.

Navigating the dark and bustling streets of Dallas, my hands grip the steering wheel tightly, my mind focused solely on reaching Hayden's house as quickly as possible. Approximately 50 meters ahead, the traffic light transitions to yellow. Knowing how long it takes for this light to change, I make the impulsive decision to go for it.

Just as I'm about to cross the road, the light abruptly turns red. Nevertheless, I'm too close to stop, so I push forward. Little did I know, this choice would be the gravest mistake of my life. As I venture forward, the side of my jeep collides with another vehicle, leaving me in shock.

The impact is jarring, sending my body lurching forward with a force that steals the breath from my lungs. 

The screeching of metal fills the air, mingling with the sound of shattering glass. Pain sears through my body, radiating from my knee like a relentless inferno. I bite down on my lip to stifle a cry, my hands instinctively clutching at the steering wheel. In that moment, time seems to stand still as the realisation sinks in—I've shattered my knee.

As the chaos settles around me, concerned voices and blaring sirens blend into a symphony of panic. My vision blurs with tears, a mix of physical agony and overwhelming fear. The paramedics rush to my side, their urgent voices and gentle touch offering a glimmer of reassurance amidst the chaos. They carefully extract me from the wreckage, gingerly supporting my injured leg. Every movement sends fresh waves of pain shooting through my body, but I grit my teeth and summon every ounce of strength to stay conscious and composed.

Lying on the cold pavement, I catch a glimpse of my mangled jeep, its once sleek and pristine exterior now a twisted wreck. But in that moment, the wreckage is not just a reflection of my vehicle—it mirrors the shattered dreams and hopes that now lay in ruins around me. With tears streaming down my face, I whisper a desperate plea for everything to be okay, hoping against hope that this devastating accident won't steal away my future, my dreams, and the bond I share with my brother.

As the paramedics carefully lift me onto the stretcher, the pain intensifies, causing my vision to blur and my body to tremble uncontrollably. I clutch my phone tightly in my hand, desperate to reach out to Theo and let him know that I'm hurt, that I won't be able to make it to his side as planned. The weight of disappointment settles upon me, but it's quickly overshadowed by the realisation that his safety and well-being are far more important.

The ambulance speeds through the city streets, its sirens wailing in a desperate plea for priority. Fear and worry consume me as I think of Theo, alone and intoxicated at Hayden's house.

As the doctors rush me into the emergency room, my vision blurs, and the world around me dissolves into darkness. The excruciating pain fades away, replaced by an unsettling void. Hours, or perhaps mere moments, slip by in oblivion until, like a flickering light, consciousness returns, slowly pulling me back from the depths of unconsciousness. I awaken to the sterile white walls and the faint beeping of machines, a telltale sign that I'm in a hospital bed.

Blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights, I take in my surroundings, feeling a mix of relief and trepidation. Tubes and wires snake around me, tethering me to the monitors that track my every vital sign. The ache in my knee persists, but it's now overshadowed by a throbbing headache that makes my temples pulse with each heartbeat.

The sound of approaching footsteps grabs my attention, and a nurse enters the room with a warm smile. She checks the monitors and sees that I'm awake. With gentle reassurance, she informs me of the severity of my injuries and the surgery that was performed to repair my shattered knee. As she explains the road to recovery that lies ahead, a mix of gratitude and determination fills my heart. I may be physically broken, but deep within me hope still burns like a fire in the cold wind.

heyyyy guys! I hope you like this chapter. This is a prologue sorta thing which is the setting for this story! please let me know what you think!!! comment feedback and stuff so I can improve this story!

 And please chat to me tell me abt yourselves.

next chapter we will be getting to know the rest of the characters!!!!

hope you have a good day or night <333

lots of love 

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