Mutant of Mistwood, Ambushed

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     Within the foggy trail of Mistwood, Leo, Rain, Erigg and Wick crept slowly through so not to alert any dangerous creatures.

"This fog is quite thick." complained Rain "How is anyone supposed to see where they're going?"

"I would use one of my spells." said Erigg.

"You have a spell to get rid of fog?" asked Leo.

"Yes. Well I used to... but unfortunately I don't have it at the moment." answered Erigg.

"Maybe you could conjure one up." suggested Rain.

"You don't understand. I have the correct materials to do that right now." started Erigg "The materials I need grow in much warmer climates, in valleys and woods. Not usually in swampy areas like this."

"So no spell?" frowned Rain.

     "No spell." said Erigg.

     As they continued through the swampy land Leo began to whispering winds echoing through the trees. He felt as something was watching and waiting. After taking another five steps shadowed figures jumped out from the tops of the trees. Leo tried to calm his horse, but he was knocked off by one of the shadowed figures.

     "What's the meaning of..." started Leo, looking up at his attacker only to find out that it was the same one he saw in Vyskuer "You."

"Assassins!" commanded Ixnus "Attack!"

The shadow assassins leapt into action, trying their best to intimidate the four heroes. But they were not scared, the three fought back bravely. Rain, smashed the assassins with his club. Erigg and Wick threw potions to scare the enemies away. Leo stood up from the ground to face Ixnus on his own.

"You're one like me." said Leo, noticing that Ixnus was a turtle just like he was.

"I am nothing like you." said Ixnus, unsheathing the second katana, the twin of Leo's katana.

     "You killed my master." said Leo, realizing the katana was similar to his own.

     "Like master... like student."

     Ixnus wrapped both hands on the butt of the katana and swung with all his might at Leo's right side. Leo blocked the attack with his katana, but Ixnus was quick and raised the katana above his head, bringing it down towards Leo's brow. Leo lifted his katana, blocking the shot. Leo pushed Ixnus away and tried to swing back at Ixnus' right side, but his katana was blocked. Ixnus swung his katana again, this time at Leo's left side, but Leo backflipped over the blade and tried to strike Ixnus. But Ixnus blocked Leo's attack. The stared each other down between blades, both with vengeance on their minds.

     "You are better than I expected." Ixnus complimented.

     "So are you." huffed Leo, trying to push his blade closer towards Ixnus.

     "I wouldn't do that." said Ixnus, pushing back on Leo's blade, causing him to drop it on the ground.

     Ixnus saw the opportunity to strike as Leo tried to grab his katana. Ixnus swung the blade at Leo's abdomen, but Leo jumped back in time, barely missing the attack and instead having ripped his armor in the middle.

"Foolish move." laughed Ixnus, pointing his katana at Leo's head.

"Not as foolish as the move you've just made." said Leo, before sweeping his leg into Ixnus' leg, causing him to fall on his back, dropping the katana.

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