"Oh how I missed you"

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Working at the Ministry was draining. Suddenly you longed more than ever for the days when your biggest concern was making sure you got to class on time. Thankfully there were little things that got you through the day. From the small coffee breaks (your favourite muggle beverage) to working with your old classmate Natty, who was now on the road to becoming an Auror. But most of all you pushed through knowing there would be a letter waiting for you at home, from a certain someone you thought about often.

Each evening you rushed home to your small London apartment, with Natty dragging after you. Living with her was wonderful, it was probably the best part about where your life had taken you. Not that you didn't like your job, but it did feel as though everybody around was pushing for you to become an Auror, being the hero of Hogwarts and all. You'd hoped that the silly nickname wouldn't have stuck around, but as it turned out, a lot of your classmates followed you to London. It seemed as though you'd seen everyone since your last day at Hogwarts, everyone except the person you wanted to see.

You barged into your bedroom, leaping towards the pile of letters waiting at your desk. This had certainly startled Starling, your owl, who let out a little squawk as you slammed your work bag onto the ground beside you. Shuffling through the letters, your heart began to race. You knew todays letter was an important one, it had been consuming your mind all day. You discarded a ton of letters behind you, one from your parents, multiple from the Ministry, and one from Ominis which you'd get too later. Right at the bottom, there it was, you recognised the handwriting immediately. It read:


I had to tell you right away, in fact you're the first to know. I did it! You are speaking to the new Chaser for the Montrose Magpies. Make sure to grab a copy of the Daily Prophet tomorrow, I think you'll recognise a certain handsome face on the front page. 

Thank you for always believing in me, I miss you dearly.

Your Champion,


And the next morning, there it was. Sebastian's glowing face on the front page, alongside his brand new teammates. The story was quite the talk that day across the Ministry and beyond. Almost everybody you knew from Hogwarts had approached you to ask how your best friend was doing, and you utterly beamed with pride.

However, underneath the smiles and excitement was a lot of doubt. Not about Sebastian's ability of course, he had worked so incredibly hard to reach such an achievement. So hard that you had not seen him once since he kissed you goodbye at Hogsmeade station, before disappearing behind a cloud of smoke in the horizon. You had already dreaded not seeing him again, and it seemed that it was becoming a reality.

For many months, he wrote you every day. Telling you all about his teammates, how training was going and how much he missed you. Soon every day became once a week. And once a week became once a month. You watched seasons go by without a single sight of him, just that last memory of his lips softly pressed against yours. He consumed your mind every night as you drift into slumber. Reaching for the reminisce of his scent, of his touch, of him. You wondered if he missed you, if he thought about you just as much. Gazing up at the moon above hoping that somewhere he was too. You told yourself his absence was to be blamed by his busy schedule, which of course you understood. You were obviously busy too, but you'd always make the time for him.

By now the League Cup was well underway, and your champion was certainly living up to his name. His face was plastered across the Daily Prophet for weeks, and of course you bought every one, stashing them away as a keepsake for your private collection. It was becoming rather difficult to stay positive, to remain happy for him. How selfish of you to want him for yourself, you thought. He was living his dream, and you of all things were not worth him sacrificing that.

How Could I Ever Forget You? // Sebastian Sallow / Professor Sallow x reader/mcWhere stories live. Discover now